Chapter 9

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*the door unlocks*
*it starts to slightly open up*
"oh shit" Jungkook quietly says as he gently gets you off his lap*
You immediately go back to your spot as JK
quickly puts his shirt on and runs to the door.
"Who is it?" Jk said in a nervous tone
"Can i come in?" Namjoon says

*Rm walks in looking for you*
But you and jk stay silent.
Both of you were really confused, wondering why he had to come at this exact moment.

Did he hear us somehow? you started to think*
*the sound of your heartbeat started to get louder and louder just like the silence in the room.

"Oh hey y/n it seems like I've found an extra room perfect for you, if you'd like to stay in from now on?" Namjoon offers
*You and jk look at each other*
Jk shrugs his shoulders making it all your decision.

"Um no here is perfectly fine, thank you"
"Okay thats alright have a good night" Namjoon respectfully says and leaves the room.
"What really, why wont you go, its best for you" jk says completely shocked by your response.

"Because i feel comfortable enough to stay with you" you said.
*Jk forms a large smile*
He goes to lock the door and slowly comes back over to you.
*He push's your hair behind you ear and gives you a light warm kiss on your cheek*
*You start to blush really hard and look right into his shiny bunny eyes* (He looked unreal!)

*He deeply looks right back into your eyes*
"Lets go to sleep now tho okay, we have to wake up early tomorrow" he says and and pats your back.
"Okay good night" you said with a slight smile turning back over to your side of the bed*

"Okay good night" you said with a slight smile turning back over to your side of the bed*

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It took a good 30 min for you to finally fall asleep.
You had been laying down trying to process everything that had happened all in just one night.
It felt like he was your boyfriend, you could tell he was really into you, the way he treats you and takes care of you...

The next morning
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping. You quickly look over to see if jk is still asleep
And you were completely shocked by what you saw...

Jk was sleeping right next to your chest
"Did he just roll over and end up here? or..." you whispered to yourself in hesitation.

*Jk's alarm goes on*
*yawns and sits up*
"Good morning y/n how did you sleep?"
"I slept well thank you"
"Was it because you slept with me?" Jungkook said teasingly.
"Umm i don't know is it?" you giggled

"Well it was for me" Jungkook said
"What, what do you mean?" You quickly responded.
"Well you see y/n i slept well last night, it was a night i hadn't really experienced with anyone,
i felt a strong connection between us"
"Really?, well um, i- me too" you didn't know to say.

"I look forward to more nights with you, i really do" Jungkook said as he headed into the bathroom.
You fell onto the bed as soon as left

HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT? Your body start slightly shake "oh my god no way, i'm so lucky!" you muttered to yourself.

*phone rings*
You pick up the phone "Hey Namjoon"
"Good morning y/n please bring me over you and Jk in about twenty five minutes, i'm exited to see your makeup skills"
"Oh yeah we'll be there in a bit"you said.

Y/n's thoughts after the phone call with rm
"Oh shit i completely forgot i have a whole job here not just Jungkooks side chick"
"Will jk be jealous?!?!"
"I will probably stare into the members eyes like an idiot looking completely all turned on"
"Omg i need to shut up and get ready"...

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