H.S. Flowers In His Hair - 22

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And oh, stupid things I do. I'm far from good, it's true. But still, I find you, next to me.

We're fighting. It's not a blowup kind of fight...yet. Aliza is stubborn, and when I asked her very gently if she's on her period, she became a demon in two seconds. Lesson learned those words would never leave my lips again. 

I know I'm right, though, cause she gets like this every time. We weren't living together. I may be hiding right now because her emotions are out of whack, and I left her crying over a postcard with a puppy that she found in one of the shops on our way to the Realtor. 

I'll wait outside for her; it's safer here. I rub the tip of my middle finger; there's still some traces of paint. After our little adventure, my painting wasn't near done, so I've been painting for a couple of hours every day to finish it.

Aliza's very excited about it, although she hasn't seen the finished product, she gushed over it when she saw what I was doing. It's almost finished now, and I can't wait to show it to her. 

She comes out of the shop smiling brightly. Well fuck. She's pinching the postcard between her fingers and waving it in the air. "Got it, let's go." She links her arms with mine, and I'm too speechless to say anything as we continue walking down the road. 

We make it to the location, and I already know I'm wasting my time; I knew the description she gave me was too good to be true. It's nothing but an abandoned building, probably condemned also. 

I'm already in a pissed mood, and now this. Today was suppose to be a relaxing day, the only Sunday I get of in weeks, which I really wanted to spend with Aliza. Wanted, not so sure anymore. I crack a smile at my own joke as we stand in front of the door, waiting for the realtor, who's late. 

"So sorry, traffic." He apologizes halfheartedly while fiddling with the keys to open the place. "I'm Robert." He sticks out her hand, and I shake it quickly. He pushes the heavy door open with both hands, and it groans from having to move. He searches for the lights, turning them on once He finds them. 

I was right. You can already smell the mold from here. There's water dripping from the ceiling, with brown patches littering the roof. This is why you could afford the place. I look at Aliza; her face says it all. She looks disappointing, her lip is tucked into her mouth, and she scrunches her nose.  "Mold," I say out loud.

Robert turns to me. "There's no mold here; there's a certificate for inspection." I'll bet all my savings that there's mold. "There's mold," I say again; I don't want to start an argument, but I'm also not one to stay quiet. 

Aliza wraps her hand around mine; the spark calms me down some. Robert stays quiet next to me. "So shall we?" He gestures into the open space. We walk further into the room, and it just seems to get worse as we go. Aliza slips on some goo, but she steadies herself on my arms. Thank God she decided to wear shoes today. 

I don't want to know what the yellow substance on the floor is. We're standing in the middle now, and I honestly can't find one positive thing about this place. "It's a fixer," Robert says. I snort, and Aliza giggles next to me. "It's a burn it downer," I tell him, staring into his eyes.

I look at Aliza. "Purple hyacinth." She looks at me with a sad expression. She hugs my arm.

He tries to make himself smaller for some reason, probably because he took me for an idiot. "It's condemned, isn't it? I ask him, but she shakes his head. I'm already on edge from almost fighting with Aliza the whole morning, and now standing in this shit hole, I'm starting to get angry. 

"Maybe it could work If you look at it for what it could be?" Aliza tries, bless her fucking soul right now. "I wouldn't even sleep here." Her eyes grow wide at my statement. I'm about to cry out of anger and frustration. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. She turns to the realtor, now also seemingly angry.

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