H.S. Flowers In His Hair - 20

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All my friends are heathens.

The house is buzzing. All of our friends are here. It was the plan from the start. I wanted to show Aliza the house, and then I wanted everyone who was a part of it to celebrate with us.

 Aliza adores Sam, and she even hugged him the moment I introduced them to each other. He teased me relentlessly, telling her stories about how I either jammed my finger into something or how I ended up getting a hole in my hand.

That's what he's still doing now. "I swear." He laughs, tears streaming down his face from laughter. I groan loudly, my hand is covering my face. He's very detailed in his stories. 

"He even struck a pose, telling me he's just hanging around. Little shit." His voice is gruff, from years of use, but it's soothing like an old bottle of scotch. 

She whips to me. "Oh God, Harry, I would pay to see that." She laughs. I place my empty beer bottle on the counter. " I'm going to get a beer. Don't speak; you'll be the death of me, the two of you." I point my finger at them with narrowed eyes. 

They have similar expressions, nodding in unison. They're going to talk about me when I turn the corner I know it. 

I stalk off towards one of the coolers that are lining the wall. I grab a cold beer, and when I stand up, Elijah is in front of me, a happy clam cause his shoulder is flung around Amy.

"The fuck is this?" I ask, bewildered. Amy looks at me in annoyance. "It's none of your business." She says. I look at Elijah. He doesn't budge. 

I bite my cheek—still nothing. Okay, you little shit head. I fold my arms over my chest. I can see the sweat on his top lip. He wants to look away right now. I have to force a smile down.

I raise one eyebrow, and he breaks. "We've been dating for two weeks." He spews. The eyebrow always got him. The art of intimidating a seven-year-old is the same as a twenty-year-old. Amy gasps and hits him in the chest, making him winch and rub the spot. 

"No fair Harry, you know the eyebrow always got me." I laugh, unfolding my arms. " So you're together?" I make sure. "Yea, we are." He says more confidently now. I turn my attention to Amy. "He treating you good?" I raise an eyebrow again. " Yes, he is." She says, and I believe her.

"Okay." I turn around with a shrug of my shoulders to rejoin Sam and Aliza. Mitch intercepts me, he calls my name, and my head snaps sideways. 

I walk to where he's leaning against the wall. "You've come a far way, Harry." Is his greeting to me. "Look at you, man, you're fucking shining." He gushes; his arms are around me before I can make sense of anything. I stand still for two seconds before my arms wound around his shoulders.

He pulls away with a pat on my back. "What's all this for?" I ask, a little stunned. " You don't see it do you?" He asks. I shake my head; what is this guy on about.

 "You take over a room, Harry; you always have. I can't describe it. You unknowingly command it; you don't force it. It just happens. There's one thing though, one thing that commands you." He jerks his head to his left, in the general direction of Aliza.

"It's amazing to see. It's like your this unstoppable presence, and everyone looks at you in awe, but you don't notice... Until you feel her close, then you get the same expression as anyone else." He explains. I understand what he's saying. I do look at her in awe all the time.

He's not finished, though. "She dances a few inches in the air, and you ground her; it's a perfect balance." He's smiling, happy with his conclusion. She's always told me that I was the reason for that, that I was the one who gave her wings. 

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