Part One

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Being a transfer student to a new school is one thing, but being a transfer student to the top hero school this side of Japan is another. You looked yourself up and down in the mirror, trying to replace your nervousness with excitement and confidence.

"At least you aren't joining in the middle of the year," you told yourself, making some last minute fixes to your uniform. "Second year of highschool, here I come." You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before nodding reassuringly. You headed downstairs to the kitchen, where your mother was packing up the last of the silverware.

Since you were moving into the dorms—due to school precautions and measures taken for student protection—your parents found it as a blessing. Your father had just been offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at a job in America, so passing the UA entrance exams was just the nudge he needed to accept. Your mother was beyond worried of leaving you in Japan, but she knew that if you needed anything, you always had your aunt living near the school. You see, most of your family was in Japan, while the rest was in America. You were born in Japan, grew up in America, and then moved back to prepare for UA. And now, your parents were leaving for America again.

Your mother stared at you in your uniform. Tears welled in her eyes as she gave you a sad smile. Your face heated up with embarrassment. "Don't cry, Mom. I'll be fine."

She rushed over to you and gave you a hug. She squeezed you tightly and whispered, "I love you so much, sweetheart, and your father and I are very proud to have you as our child." You held back a sob, staying strong for your mom.

"Heh, I know, I'm awesome," you joked, patting your mother's back gently. She pulled away and began wiping away her tears.

"Here, let me," you said, reaching out your hand and flicking your fingers. A soft breeze dried away your mother's tears as you used your air-manipulation quirk: molecule. You could change properties of substances in the air and their molecules, as well as control it's form and direction. However, if you used too much of your quirk at once, your body began losing oxygen.

Your mom gave you a small smile and took in a deep breath. "Thank you, honey. Now, your father is at the office getting the rest of the preparations to leave ready. We'll see you for our last dinner tonight after school, okay? And then you can tell us all about your first day before we go . . ." Her voice trailed off with the last words. You sighed, hoisting your backpack over your shoulders and kissing your mother's cheek.

"I'm leaving before you start crying again," you told her with a smile. "See you later, Mom!"

"Love you!" She called as you stepped out the front door.

"Love you too!" You called over your shoulder. You shut the door, hopped down the front steps, and looked up at the sky. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath of the fresh air, soaking in the warm sunlight on your face.

You turned on the heel of your sneakers and walked towards the train station.

"UA, here I come."


A/N) finally putting my skills to use to give you guys some serotonin. I hope you guys like your background and your quirk! It's a quirk that's been in my head for a while but I never used it for myself.

As mentioned in the description, this story is gonna be kind of a slow burn, so nothing sudden. Also, you'll be joining for the second year that previous Class 1-A students will be in.

Credits to the youtube video above: nimbus

I personally love their playlists so i'd recommend listening to some! Hope you all enjoy the story!

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