I just want you. Part 2( mannyxnatahalia)

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" What the fuck are you." i screamed.

He smiled at me with those vamprie straight teeth. He slowly came over to me and started to tocuh my face, i move my face to the side. He must of have not liked that beacuse he slap me. i yelled out an whimper.

" Dont you everr move your face when i touching you." he said in a deep voice.

His voice was deep it sent chills down my spins..the creepy ones too. He then started to kiss on my neck. i squirm under his touch trying to get him off of me but he bit my neck, i yelled out in pain when i felt his teeth going deeper into my skin. He then started to take off my shirt off. i started to scream for him to stop but he slap me again and continued to do what he was doing. i cired because i knew he was about to rape me but instead he stuck this needle in my arm that made me fall alseep instantly.

I woke up with my neck hurting i touch it and winched in pain, i remember the scenes that happen yesterday. This fucking thing bit my neck and suck my blood. I still saw that i was still in chains. i tried to move but i winched in apin. i look down and saw that my skin was raw. Great just fucking great.

My stomach started to growl. ughhh now i am hungry. i look around the room and i didnt see anything eatable. few minutes later he came in with some breakfast. He sat it down and i went over and grab the food and said thank you. He watch me eat the food which really creep me out. Even though it wa still morning, his red eyes still glowed.

" what are you." i ask him.

he look at me for a few minutes then walk off. this nigga is so fucking damn rude. i yelled out when can i get the chains off of me..no answer. after a few minutes my eyes started to get droopy and i fell alseep. when i woke up i saw that he took the chains of of me. i rub at my raw skin. i sat up and walk to the door and see if i could escape out this damn place. i walk around the house tyring to find a door leading to the outside but all the doors was lock. i gave up and started to walk back to the room. When i turn around i walk into a hard surface. I realise it was him. I tried to say something but he roughly grab me and threw me on his shoulders. I screamed and screamed for help but i know nobody would hear me. He threw me onto the bed and just stared at me again. i look right into his red eyes and saw anger and ..l-lust. i took this chance to take in his features. Lightskin, deep dimples, and big juicy lips...mhmm stop you are not suppose to think he is sexy.

" what do you want from me." i ask him.

he just smiled and walk away. Why does he always do that everytime i ask him a question. It pisses me the fuck off like why cant you answer the damn fucking question. i smelt a funky odor. i smelled myself and it was me. " i nned to take a shower" i yelled out to him. nonthing. i huff and just laid my head and down, started to think about how am i going to get out of here.

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