episode one: the suite life sets sail

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chapter one; welcome aboard the s.s tipton

samantha moseby, but I go by sam or sammy

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samantha moseby, but I go by sam or sammy. 15 years old and 5'4. my dad is mr mosbey, yes i'm adopted. I don't know where my mum is but it's been 15 years without her so... i am happy with my life being with my dad. my dad used to work at the tipton hotel in our hometown boston where I met my best friend, the london tipton whose dad owns the hotel. 

other friends of mine and that lovely hotel was maddie fitzpatrick who used to work at the candy stand there. arwin who was the crazy but funny stationary engineer. esteban who was the bellman who always spoke his full, very long name and the twins who cause my dad pain: zack and cody. (i used to have crush on zack if i say so myself). 

i am currently upon the s.s tipton, this is the cruise ship my dad now works on still for mr tipton. I am cleaning my dad's desk (wiping down, organizing etc.) while my dad welcomes the new guests; my legs hurt from standing. now, i'm not being forced to clean. yes, i could be walking around taking photos or watching star wars but i actually like having things organized. but would it kill him to get a chair? 

listening to metallica while organizing his desk drawer, usual stuff in there papers, his precious pocket hankies etc. while dad greets the guests. "i'm marion moseby, your cruise ship manager. welcome aboard!" dad greeted. i had finished cleaning, stopped my music, walked over and stood beside my dad as the guests looked down at my dad's legs.

i followed their glance and can see why they were looking; he was wearing shorts with knee socks? "you can get a pair like these on the plaza deck. the shorts not the legs" he starts laughing at his own joke, the guests looked at him like he was weirding them out then they started to walk past us and most likely head to their cabin. "so dad, do you like the job I have done?" I ask as I turn and show him his desk. "i am very impressed sammy. thank you, you didn't need to do that" dad says as he looks at his even more spotless desk. 

"no worries. oh! i even organized your pocket hankies by colour" i told him and he gasps. "you did?" he asked, a smile forming. i nodded with a smile. "oh thank you" dad said, sounding as if he's going to cry. "you have a lot of those, by the way" i pointed out. then I see one of the ships workers pushing a familiar lot of pink suitcases. "gain way london tipton coming through" london and her suitcases roll over my dad's foot "ow!" dad yelped in pain. i winced as if i was in pain to. "wow bumpy seas" my fitzy friend commented, hopping down from the top of her luggage.

"london!" i called out. london looks over to me, opens her arms "sammy!!!" we squeeze each other in a hug. then i realized my dad's in pain. i stop the hug and run over to him. "are you okay, dad?" i asked my poor dad as he held his foot. "I'm fine, sammy. london, that was my foot" dad answered me then spoke to london. "well what was it doing under my trunk?" she asked. i just closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose. 

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