episode twenty: crusin' for a bruisin'

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chapter fifteen: poor dad :(

chapter fifteen: poor dad :(

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(outfit ^^^^^)

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(outfit ^^^^^)

zack, cody, bailey, london and i were on the sky deck watching killer whales. "i thought whales were supposed to be big. those a so tiny" london said. i took the binoculars around the right way so she could see everything bigger. "oh my gosh their huge! i love these magic glasses" london told me.

i shook my head, chuckling. "you'd need a lot of muskets to grill one of them up" kirby said coming up to us. random thought. "kirby, these magnificent whales are endangered" i inform him with a serious face "no wonder. if they taste as good as the look" kirby said thinking about the taste of whales.

"i'm sorry buddies" kirby said as cody, bailey and i looked at him. "now you've made me hungry" zack complains "you're always hungry babe" i tell him. "you noticed" zack sarcastically gasped and wrapped me in a hug. which i returned. "getting up makes me hungry" kirby told us "the 3 o'clock ice cream yes!" zack said, taking arms off me and running. "so much better than the 2:30 ice cream" zack said when he came back over to us with ice cream.

he accidently dropped some on cody's clipboard "you just blobbed on my baby beluga" cody said as he pushed zack's hand away which sent the ice cream onto the deck. "great now, i have to wait from the 3:30 ice cream" zack whined. dad and connie were walking. more like dad backing away from connie. dad then slipped on zack's spilled ice cream and he went flying. not literally flying. 

"don't worry. i'll get you!!!" kirby said as he rushes over to help dad. "dad?!" i call out worried. "did he go over?" london asked "he went under" dad managed to say from under kirby. 


we got dad up and took him to the infirmary. seeing as he broke something, he has to stay in his cabin for a couple of days. i saw him the next day to check on him. "hey dad. how are ya?" i ask him. "my little sunshine. i'm feeling better" dad answered. "i've been doing your work for you including the preparations for captain lunsford which are probably gonna need a kick start" i inform dad.

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