episode eleven: seaHarmony

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chapter eleven: dad deserves to be happy... miss t too

 miss t too

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(outfit ^^^^^^)

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(outfit ^^^^^^)

i was sitting at the juice bar, listening to take on me by a-ha while writing up an essay. i always say 'as soon as you get an assignment do it. that way you're not panicking at the last minute.' 

well my grandma says it. i kept hearing a sort of buzzing noise. i turn around to see my boyfriend, his twin and my sister 'miss sparkles' racing cars. "yay race car drive me. i win, i win. and more importantly you lose, you lose" london gloats. i walk up to them. "you know, i'm not a poor sport but london you really do have a bit of an unfair advantage" cody tells london.

"hey guys" i greet them all as i took my headphones out of my ears. "hey babe. we were just racing these remote control cars." zack said, his arms around me. "victory lap dance!" london squeals. "dad is not going to like this. he doesn't really like anything you guys do" i say then i hear my dad.

"my passengers should be able to be on this ship without being hit by a car" dad tells us. "don't worry. i'm insured" london tells dad. "these people are here to enjoy a singles cruise. the last thing they want it to be around children. that's why they're still single" dad tells all of us. miss t walks over and calls for dad. "mr moseby?" she asked. 

"my apologies. this wasn't my doing" dad told miss t. "i know. it's the doing of the people who should be doing their homework" miss t said narrowing her eyes at us. "uh miss t, i am doing mine. see" i say, jogged over, grabbed my book and showed her my mental illness: schizophrenia essay for psychology class. "i still have to write the conclusion" i told her. 

she nods and hands me my book back. "guys, i told you we shouldn't be doing this. now let's go back to our rooms and feel ashamed" zack says, they all, excluding me, hung they're heads. "i know i do" cody said. "then i suggest you stay in your room. from now on, you may not be allowed on the sky deck except for 1 hour a day" dad tells us. they groan in annoyance.

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