episode three: broke n yo-yo

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chapter three: you can win chicks with yo-yo's

chapter three: you can win chicks with yo-yo's

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(outfit ^^^^^)

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(outfit ^^^^^)

i was just sitting at the juice bar drinking a smoothie, trying not to get a smoothie or elbow to the face. i only say that is because there is a new smoothie that everyone wants. called the 'banana fofana'. stupid name reminds me of 'the name game' from american horror story. surprisingly good when i tasted it. "what's all the commotion?" dad asks from behind me "oh hey dad. it's the new smoothie the banana fofana" i tell him.

"it's like drinking happiness" cody added. he ain't lying "how good can it be?" dad questioned. dad takes a sip of cody's smoothie "sweet mama from yokohama that is good" dad said as he kept drinking. is there a rehab centre for smoothie addictions? "ok, you can give it back now" dad wouldn't give it back. "dude your bogarding all the fofana, give it back" cody says trying to get the smoothie off my dad. 

i walk up to cody "that's like drinking a mothers love" dad said leaving with the glass. "here you go man, go buy another banana fofana" I say, giving cody the money for the smoothie and saw zack flirting with girls at the juice bar. i can't help but feel like it should be me he is flirting with. we've been on this ship for a few months now and still gotten nowhere with this crush. partly my fault i reckon. 

"my good man, get these lovely ladies a smoothie of their choice, besides me, and put it on my card" zack told the bartender of the juice bar. wow he is wasting his card of girls instead of having it for food. zack then turned his attention to us. "man i love these student cash cards" zack says with a smile. "zack you can only use it for meals, books and other necessities" cody explains. 

"these ladies are the necessities. i can eat and read when I'm old" zack said "zack, you don't read now. what makes you think your gonna read when your oh I don't know... 80 maybe 90 years old" i said to him. zack just gave me a 'really' look well the truth hurts bitch.

"i'll show you another way to impress women" cody says as he pulls out... a yo-yo, you thought it was something else. get your mind out of the gutter! haha.  "um, question: how do you impress someone with a yo-yo?" i ask him. cody gives me a 'watch and learn' look. "hey bailey. check out me new move for the string fling yo-yo competition" cody asks bailey. dumb name for a yo-yo compeition. hell, is there a good name for a yo-yo competition.

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