episode nineteen: mulch ado about nothing

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chapter fourteen: recreating memories

chapter fourteen: recreating memories

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(outfit ^^^^^)

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(outfit ^^^^^)

in the lobby, dad and i were looking for our parcels. "yes! it's here" dad cheered lifting the parcel out of the trolley "more pocket hankies?" i asked him, having a feeling he ordered more. "the pocket hankey of the month" dad answered me showing me his pocket hanky. "nice, there's stripes" i said looking at with a impressed look.

"what'd you order?" dad asked "grandma sent me old photos. and her chocolate chip cookies!!" i tell him excitedly at the photos and a container of her cookies. "from back when you were a baby. this one was taken the day we brought you home from the adoption center" dad says, looking at the photo of him holding a baby me. 

"mail call!" i hear woody shout. dad runs away as everyone runs in to find their mail. "yes. yes. yes. mum's muffins are the best" zack said as he finds a tin from his mum. "isn't carey a bad cook?" i asked my boyfriend. "no. if she got better, she'd be horrible" cody told me. "yeah. we wouldn't dare eat them but these babies are sure fun to play with" zack says to me as he bounced one of the muffins.

"plus they make good erasers" cody adds. "yay! my allowance for the week" london exclaims excitedly as she pulls out a gold bar from the box. "what do they say when you bring that to the bank?" bailey questions "wow" london and i say in unison. "really?" bailey asked me. "yep. i've been to the bank with her a couple of times when we do shopping sprees" i answered. 

"dang it" i heard woody say so the group and i turn around and walk towards woody. woody was holding a dress. "nice dress, woody" zack 'compliments' trying not to laugh. "really brings out your eyes" i add, like zack, trying not to laugh. "my mum switched our packages again. this was supposed to go to my little sister" woody explains to us, holding the 'dress' in front of him. 

london and zack pull the dress out. "little?" zack asked "she must have got my pj's. guess i'll just have to sleep in the buff" woody said. "no buff! our room is a buff free zone" cody exclaims to woody. "i got a package from the farm" bailey tells us excitedly. "is it a homemade pie?" cody asked. "a one way ticket home?" london asked. you know, i still don't know why london hates bailey. "mulch!" bailey exclaims happily, handful of mulch in her hand. "mulch?" we all question.

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