episode 6.5: the date

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chapter seven: first date

chapter seven: first date

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(outfit ^^^^^)

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(outfit ^^^^^)

i was in my room with bailey doing our homework when i get a text from zack saying he'd pick me up tonight at 6pm. tonight is the date. "hey bai, look at this" i show her the text from zack then locking my phone "you only have an hour" she told me; wow I might start going through my closet getting ready.

 "hey bai, look at this" i show her the text from zack then locking my phone "you only have an hour" she told me; wow I might start going through my closet getting ready

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I looked at my phone 5:50 pm so i finished putting my jewelry and quickly straightened my hair. when there was a knock at my door. "bailey can you get that? i am still getting straightening my hair" i yell out as i straightened the last section of my hair then turned the straightner off as bailey opened the door. 

I walk of the bathroom to see zack "your beautiful. well more beautiful than you already are. i should stop talking" zack says nervously "thanks zack. you look handsome" i say whilst blushing and smiling at him. "ok go you crazy kids have fun. oh! but not too much fun" bailey said as zack and i walked out my cabin door. "i am so glad you agreed to go on a date with me" says zack. "it's alright. i'm really glad you asked me out on a date" i say with a small smile.


he led me to the sky deck where there was a little table and food and a candle in the center. it was so cute. i go to sit down when zack pulls out my chair for me . "thanks" i thanked him. "no worries sammy" he said smiling. it was so cute.

once we finished eating it was only 7:50pm. if you're wondering why it has taken 2 teenagers, who love food to eat in for an hour or so, it is because we were talking whilst eating. thankfully not with food in our mouths while we were talking. "we have until 9pm. want to hit the arcade?" zack asks. "hell yeah" i responded. holding hands as we walked to the arcade. 

"it's locked" zack says while pulling on the door. "wait a sec" i say. i take the bobby pin out of my hair, that was keeping it from falling in my face. i got the door open by picking the lock. the door opened and zack looked at me, astounded. 

"don't tell my dad i know how to pick locks" i chuckled. "don't worry, i won't. so what game you want to play?" zack asked as we walked in and I picked the pool stick and lined up my shot. 


we played in the arcade for an hour till it was almost 9. we played pool, the racing car game, donkey kong but unfortunately zack and i had locked up the arcade back up.

zack walked me to my cabin. "i had really nice time. bit sad that it's over though" i say to zack. "we could always go out again. or better than that... go out? like be a couple?" zack says sounding nervous. "you want me to be your girlfriend?" i ask with a smile.

"will please be my girlfriend?" zack asks. i smile. i give him a kiss on the cheek. "yes. i will" i tell him. "awesome! well i'll see you tomorrow... girlfriend" he says. a sweet kiss is placed on my lips softly. this is awesome! we pull away and wave each other goodbye.

i walked into my cabin to see bailey and london and it seemed like they were being civil to each other. "tell us. tell us" they both say. i squeel and sat down one my bed with london, told them what happened. i'm so freakin happy.


sorry it's really short. 

i didn't know how to write a first date or any date. 

i've never been on one so i wouldn't know anything. 

but i still hope you enjoy the chapter :)

may we meet again

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