episode nine: flowers and chocolate

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chapter nine: old friends and fake dating

(i skipped episode eight. can't remember why) 

 can't remember why) 

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(outfit ^^^^)

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(outfit ^^^^)

in the lobby taking photos for the pamphlets dad was going put up since he asked me... and may have said he would pay me $10. while taking photos, i noticed cody pacing back and forth. "codster, what's up with the pacing?" i ask him. he stops pacing around and looks at me. "do you remember Bob and barbra?" he asks me. "well i think they were your friends. i didn't really talk to them that much" i answer.

"well they are visiting" cody told me. i nod, continuing to take photos when i feel arms wrapped around my waist. which made me jump. "hey sammy" zack greeted. i turn around. "hey zack. what's got you so happy?" i ask him "well i am here with you. also bob is coming to visit." he tells me. he grabs my hand and drags me over to cody... who is still pacing.

"oh hey. is bob here yet? after being stuck here with you, i can't wait to have some real guy time" zack says asked cody. "i'd respond to that insult but i'm busy worrying how i'm gonna break the news to barbra" cody says in a worried voice. "what news?" zack and i asked at the same time.

"oh please tell me you're not going to be one of those couples. and the news about me and bailey..." cody says whining. zack and i looked at him confused "that we're practically a couple" cody said as if it was obvious. it wasn't. "that's not news. that's a fantasy" zack stated "point is bob and barbra are coming to miami to visit us for spring break and i'm going to have to break barbra's heart" cody told zack and i.

"ok. i have met barbra and it looks like you won't break her heart. she may or may not break you" i point out to the twin. you never hurt a woman's feelings. we'll end you! "no, you don't. how do I explains this? okay you don't step out of one canoe, until your safety in another one. preferably a hotter canoe. whose parents are out of town a lot" zack says to cody.

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