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Ten rolled over in his bed, glancing at his alarm clock. Noon? How was it already noon?

The Thai swore he didn't sleep a wink last night, but somehow the time has passed by quickly. The past few days had all been a blur really.

He barely ate, barely slept, and barely moved. He just layed in his bed for hours and hours. He really had tried to go to sleep last night, but it just wouldn't happen.

Why was he feeling this way?

Ten couldn't figure it out. He had broken up with and been dumped by plenty of people in his lifetime, but the aftermath had never felt like this before. He felt as if he was missing something. Some large, tall, piece of himself.

But what was done was done. He couldn't go back and change what he said to Johnny. He couldn't tell himself to just stick with it and be happy to have the older in his life in some way. As much as he wanted to, there was no changing the past.

Just as he was about to close his eyes and try to sleep again, his bedroom door burst open, revealing an out of breath Sicheng.

"There you are! Get up and get ready!" He said entering the room with a smile.

"No." Ten groaned, his voice sounding exhausted. "How did you even get in here anyway?"

The Chinese help up a silver key in his hand. "I know where you keep the spare." He took a seat on the soft bed, staring at the agitated boy. "Now get up!"

Ten shook his head, burying himself under a mountain of pillows and blankets.

Sicheng watched the broken boy, and decided to try a new approach. "Please, Ten." He scooted closer, rubbing comforting circles on the older's back. "I'm worried about you. You're my best friend, and I've never seen you like this before. I just don't know what to do, so please just talk to me."

The room was silent for a minute, until Ten uncovered himself, revealing his teary eyes. "I really thought he was the one, Sicheng."

The younger opened his arms wide, and the Thai crawled towards him, accepting the embrace. "E-Everything was so different with him. It wasn't some little crush, I think it was-" He stopped, burying his head in the taller's chest, crying even harder.

Sicheng sat there, holding the sobbing boy tight in his arms, and allowing him to soak his new shirt in tears. "It's ok, Ten. Just let it all out."

"Now I don't know what to do." Ten said, sniffling. "I can't see him anywhere without feeling broken and knowing that I gave up the best thing that will probably ever happen to me." He clutched harder onto the younger's shirt. "It hurts, Sicheng."

Seeing the opportunity, the Chinese took it. "I know what will make it feel better."

Ten sat up, rubbing his tear stained eyes. "W-What?"

Sicheng patted the older's cheeks, and wiped away the tears with his sleeve. "Come watch a movie at my house tonight!"

The Thai was about to decline the offer, but then he thought about it. "That does sound fun. Maybe I will!" He smiled, but it was soon replaced with a frown. "Wait a minute, who's going to be there?"

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