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"Hello Yuta!" Sicheng called, taking the seat next to him.

The Japanese just nodded, hardly even looking at the confused male.

"How are you today?" Sicheng tried again, hoping for a better reaction, but he didn't recieve one.

Yuta just shrugged, still staring at the front of the classroom.

The Chinese watched, trying to decipher the older's mood.

Leaning closer as to not be heard by other students, Sicheng whispered. "Are you still mad about the kiss?"

Now he got a reaction. It wasn't a big one, but it was something.

Yuta glanced over for a second. "Possibly."

Sicheng sighed, glad he finally uncovered the problem. "Why? I technically kissed you!"

The older shook his head. "Doesn't count. Those kisses got canceled out when you hurt me."

The Chinese laughed, trying to keep quiet. "I didn't flick you that hard!"

Yuta folded his arms across his chest. "It wasn't my nose you hurt, it was my pride and feelings." He pouted, trying to bait the younger.

To his satisfaction, Sicheng gave in. "Well I'm sorry." He whispered. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Yuta tried to suppress the smirk appearing on his face. "I can think of one thing."

Seeing the look on the other's face, Sicheng's eyes widened, realizing what he meant. "I am not going to kiss you! We are in a classroom!" We waved his hand around, gesturing to the oblivious students in front of them.

"I know." Yuta smiled. "Isn't it exciting?"

The Chinese smacked the other's arm. "Someone will see us!"

The older raised his eyebrows in doubt, looking to the other people in the room.

Their teacher was at the front of the room, with his back to them, writing something on the board. All of the other kids were watching him, not a single pair of eyes turned to the couple.

"I really don't think they will." Yuta said, and Sicheng realized he was right.

"Fine." The boy muttered, and Yuta cheered, almost loud enough for the others to hear.

Awkwardly turning in their chairs, they faced each other. Sicheng took one last glance around the room, checking for any eyes watching them. Finding none, he turned back to the Japanese and took a nervous breath.

"I-I've never actually done this before." He sighed, unsure of what to do with his hands.

Something about that sentence hit inside of Yuta. As much as he didn't want to, he held up his hand, stopping the younger. "It's ok, I don't need one."

Now the Chinese was confused. "What do you mean?"

The older frowned. "It's your first kiss, it should be special, you shouldn't be forced into it." He gave the younger a small smile before turning back to the front of the class.

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