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Hearing knocks on the door,  Sicheng quickly stood up, praying that it was his boyfriend, bringing along the most important part of tonight.

It wasn't.

Instead, the Chinese was met by 2 other people, one blushing like crazy, and one with a wild smirk on his perfect face.

"I hope you don't mind," Taeyong said, glancing to the male next to him. "I invited someone."

Sicheng wiggled his eyebrows at the flustered male. "Not at all, Taeyong. Care to introduce us?"

The Lee nodded his head and turned to the other boy. "This is Jaehyun, he's my-" He started, but the smug male interrupted.

"I'm his boyfriend." Jaehyun said, watching the older's eyes widen.

Taeyong gasped, hitting the built boy. "No you are not!" He turned back to Sicheng, giving him a look. "He's really not! He's my chemistry partner, he's just saying that."

Sicheng watched with a smile as Jaehyun bent down a little to match his man's height. "Not yet, at least."

Completely flustered, Taeyong pushed the younger inside the house, following close behind.

He led them to the living room, and grabbed the t.v. remote. "Seeing as Yuta is taking 4 thousand years, I'm gonna start the movie."

Everyone laughed, grabbing whatever treats they wanted, and making their way towards the couch, when a loud voice from the front room stopped them.

"Sorry we're late!" Yuta yelled, slamming the door. "Some idiot forgot to put gas in his car so we had to walk the whole way!"

Another voice from the other room spoke up. "That was you, stupid."

Sicheng heard the breath of the person next to him stop, and he looked over to see Ten's eyes already shining with tears.

"Y-You lied to me, Sicheng?" He whispered, unable to look the younger in the eyes.

"Ten, I'm sorry but-" He tried to say, but the Thai cut him off, grabbing his jacket from off a closeby chair.

"Save it!" Ten growled, almost ripping the piece of fabric from how aggressively he was putting it on. "I can't believe I trusted you." He laughed, going to leave, but stopping as two figures entered the room.

"Ten?" Johnny said, his eyes landing on the crying boy.

The Thai stared at the ground, refusing to look at the concerned male in front of him. "Please get out of my way."

Yuta complied, moving out of the doorway, but Johnny quickly blocked it again with his arms. "No."

"Get out of my way, Johnny."  The shorter said, clenching his fists.

"I will not." The American stated, standing firm. "I have something to say to you, Ten."

Getting impatient, the Thai sneered.  "Oh yeah? And what would that be?"

Gazing at the younger, Johnny's eyes softened. "It's something I should have told you a long time ago. Something I should have told everyone a long time ago."

Taking a deep breath, he looked around to every person in the room, because all eyes were on them. "I love him! I always have, and I'm done hiding that!"

Every single person in the room was shocked by those words except for the man who spoke them.

Johnny looked back to the Thai, who still wouldn't return his gaze. "I was an idiot, Ten. I'd been in too many failed relationships, and I was terrified that it would happen to us too. So I decided it would be safer if we stayed a secret, if I hid us away from the world."

He put his arms down to stop blocking the door, but the shorter didn't make any effort to leave.

"But I realized something about all those relationships." He whispered with a smile. "They failed because I didn't care about them, about a single one of them."

"But Ten!" He sighed, his hands in his hair. "I care about you more than any other person on the planet! It seems crazy, but it's true!"

He took a step closer, and internally cheered when the Thai didn't move back.

"I completely understand if you refuse to take me back. I just needed you to know why I did what I did, and how I've never regretted anything more in my life."

There. He said what he had needed to say for weeks, and was about to step back when a quiet voice stopped him.

"Johnny?" Ten whispered, causing the taller to lean forward in order to hear. The Thai finally looked up at the older with tears in his eyes.

The shorter male wasted no time in wrapping his arms around Johnny's neck, and pulling him down to connect their lips, earning a squeal from everyone in the room.

It wasn't a particularly short kiss, as you might expect. It was very beneficial to both of them though. Through it, they felt all the pain they went through in the past few weeks disappear, replaced with a warm, cozy feeling.

Pulling away, Ten smiled as Johnny held him tight, lifting him off the ground. He placed one more soft peck on the older's cheek. "I love you too."

Sicheng smiled, turning to the male next to him. "We did it!" He whispered, not wanting to interrupt the couple's moment. "We got them back togeth-" He stopped after paying closer attention to his boyfriend.

"Yuta, are you crying?" He stared, teasing the embarassed male.

"N-No! Of course not!" The Japanese said, wiping his eyes.

The younger laughed, moving closer. "I can't believe you're actually crying!"

"Well of course I am! How could you not, you heartless monster?" Yuta said, staring at his love in disbelief.

"They're finally happy, and they just love each other so much!" His eyes started to water again at the last few words.

Sicheng smiled, wrapping his arms around his sobbing boyfriend. "Huh." He said, placing a few kisses on the other's teary cheeks. "Just like me and you."

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