2. Surprise

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"Hey Good Morning, y/n! How are you?" Lucy, your boss, says approaching you with open arms coming in for a hug.

"Morning, Lucy. Im hanging in there." You respond with a chuckle. "Im not too late, am I?"

"Oh no no, don't worry about it. I assume it'll be a slow day today with all this rain anyway." Lucy responds waving her hands gesturing towards the rain. "A new shipment of 'Cradle and All' came in so you'll need to restock that."

"Got it. Lucy, I also need to ask, is it alright if I come in a bit late tomorrow? I have to go pick my brother up from the airport around one and then drop him off at my mother's house." You say, while clipping your name tag onto your shirt.

"It's no problem, y/n. Make sure you say hello to your mother for me." Lucy says, making her way upstairs to her office.

You smiled and gave her a quick nod, then proceeded to walk over to the box with the new shipment. "Cradle and All, by Hillary Altman." You whispered to yourself making your way to the front of the store to set the books up.

Working at the bookstore gave you a sense of peace and it made you feel like you were at home. After High School, you ended up staying in your hometown and watched everyone else leave for college. You truly felt like college wasn't for you, school just wasn't really your thing. Writing was all you would do, it's what you loved. Your best friends Lexi and Amelia are always pushing you to write and publish, but every time you would write you felt like it was never good enough. You were your own worst critic.

Very few people know about you wanting to be a writer and you intend to keep it that way. You always try to remain positive but you cant help but feel like a failure sometimes.

Anytime Matt would read what you've written he would dismiss it as it being just "alright."

"I just think you should find something else, writing isn't for you." Matt's words would pop up into your head whenever you had the urge to write again. After a while you put writing to the side and just focused on what you had.

Working at the bookstore had its benefits. You could sit and read whenever you wanted. The feeling of talking to customers about what book is their favorite and what your favorite was really felt validating. Not to mention you have a great relationship with the owners, they treat you as if you were one of their own.


As you lean over the counter, you notice how slow of a day its been for the store, so you make the decision of closing earlier than usual. You gather your belongings and take one last look around to make sure the store is tidy for the next day before heading out and locking the door.


"HONEY, IM HOME!" You jokingly yell out to Matt as you slide your shoes off at the front door. You make your way over to the kitchen and notice Matt isn't home.

It was almost 8pm and you were bored, so you plop onto the couch and turn the tv on in anticipation to catch up on your favorite show. Just as you're about to play the next episode of Grey's Anatomy, your phone rings.


"Hey pretty lady! Ive got a surprise for you. Open up your door." Lexi says giggling.

You chuckled as you get up to open up your door.

"SURPRISE!" Lexi and Amelia both yell out.

Your eyes widened as you see Amelia stand in front of you. "OH MY GOD. AMELIA I'VE MISSED YOU!" You cry out.

It really has been some time since you've seen Amelia. You guys talk from time to time but not as often as you'd like. Growing up, Amelia and Lexi were your best friends besides Matt of course. You girls practically did almost everything with each other. Amelia went to Law school in Boston to become a lawyer. Lexi stayed back and went to school near by to become a psychologist. As of right now life around you looks to be moving slow while it seems to be moving fairly fast for others.

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