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LONDON, 1935

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LONDON, 1935

Kara had been taken and to say her husband was mad would've been a serious understatement. O'Connell hugged his sons, sighing in relief that they were alright. He found himself looking at Ardeth. "O'Connell" he greeted him. Like I said he was pissed. He grabbed Ardeth by his collar and pushed him towards the statue behind him. "What the hell are you doing here? No, scratch that. I don't care" he states as he let him go. "Who the hell are those guys? And where are they taking my wife?" he asked. Ardeth tried to calm him. "My friend, I'm not sure, but whatever this man is, your wife will surely be" he replied as he showed him a picture. Alex took the picture from Ardeth and he and his brother looked at it. "Hey, we know him" Aaron says. "Yeah, his the curator. He works at the museum" Alex added and Aaron nodded. "Are you sure?" Ardeth asked. "Believe them. They spend more time there than at home" O'Connell.


"Alright, Alex, Aaron, I've got a big job for you two. Stay here and protect the car" O'Connell says to them. "I can do that" Jonathan offers from the back seat. "Protect the car?" Aaron and Alex ask in sync. "Come on, dad. Just because we're kids doesn't mean we're stupid" Alex says. O'Connell messes with their hair. "I know" he says quietly. "Dad!" they whine. "How do you two always do that?" Jonathan asks. "If you see anyone come out screaming, it's just me" their uncle Jonh adds. O'Connell turns to look at him. "Maybe you should stay here and watch the kids. Kara would kill me if something were to happen to you" he says. "Yes, now you're talking" Jonathan says.


Kara is being carried by servants. They place her down and she wakes after being knocked out.  She's tied up from her hands and feet. She looks around trying to recognize where she is. She sees the curator reading from a book. "Mr. Hafez" he says. She looks around once again and realizes what is happening. "They found him" she says in shock as she sees his skelon. She sits up trying to figure out a way out. She stops when she hears someone or something growl and much to her dismay it's Imhotep. "Imhotep" she says. "The gods truly do hate me" she says quietly. The mummy walks around. "What year is it?" he asks in ancient Egyptian. "My lord, it's the year of the Scorpion" the curator replies. "Truly?!" he asks. "Yes" the curator replies and Imhotep lauhghs. A door opens and everyone turns to look at who is it. A woman walks in. Kara closes her eyes and when she opens them, she appears to be back in Ancient Egypt. Like how she was when they found the bracelet. The woman was dressed in regular clothes than she changed to different Egyptian clothing in the blink of an eye.

The woman walked towards Imhotep. "Do not be frightened" the curator tells her. She looks at Imhotep. "I am not afraid" she replies. "I am Anck-su-namun reincarnated" she says in ancient Egyptian. "Only in body. But soon, I shall bring your soul back from the Underworld" he said as he walked around her, observing her. "Where is Nefertiti?" he asked. "Glad you asked. I have a gift for you" she says to him. As she turns to look where Kara is so does he. "Nefertiti" he says. "I knew it would please you to watch her die" she said with a smile but he did not like that. "No. No harm will come to her" he ordered shocking the Meela and Kara. As they carried her off to a safe place they passed by a big fire. Rick jumped through the fire and fell right on the wooden table that they used to carry and threw her over his shoulder. "Sweetheart!" she said happily. Ardeth was on the second floor covering them.

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