Chapter 1- 'I can't believe we're going to see Sleeping With Sirens!'

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Vic’s POV

Mike dragged me over to the line of thousands of girls and guys waiting to get in. I silently groaned as I heard him squeal in excitement. Who were we even watching? Snoozing With Sirens or something like that, I believe. It felt like hours pass before we were even able to get to the ticket master, which he took both our tickets and monotonously told us to enjoy the concert.

“I can’t believe we’re going to see Sleeping With Sirens!”

 He decided it was appropriate to yell in my ear. He jumped up and down along with all the others as he looked for our seats.

I had to admit, we had pretty good seats. I’m pretty sure we would be able to be sweated on by this so called “Sleeping With Sirens”. I was smashed together between Mike and a random girl whom he was yelling across from me to and they both sounded pretty excited.

The lights darkened and immediately the screaming started. I covered my ears and could still here every single scream calling out their band. I looked over at Mike and he was almost in tears screaming along with everyone else. I laughed to myself as I noticed several others who were already crying with happiness. I seemed to be the only one who wasn’t jumping up and down. The only reason I’m here anyways is because Mike isn’t allowed to go out this late without supervision and I just happened to be the lucky soul to get to come with him to this stupid concert.

Several guys ran onto stage and the screams got louder, if that was even possible. I swear I’m going to be deaf by the time I’m done with this concert.

“Ermahgerd! It’s Kellin! I can’t believe this is actually happening!”

I heard my brother scream to the girl across from me. She squealed along with him and I rolled my eyes as they started to happy cry again.

A guy with shoulder length hair, tattooed arms, and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen came up to the mic and smiled at the crowd.

“Let me hear you scream!”

He yelled into the mic. The crowd erupted from it’s never ending scream into the loudest scream a human ear could take. Gosh. The boy seemed to smile brighter at the crowd screaming his name.

“Kellin! Kellin! Kellin!”

Oh, so this is Kellin. Now I understand why my brother is so obsessed with him. Looks alone could make you want to faint.

Kellin laughed into the mic, which received several ‘oh my gosh’s’ from the crowd.

“How about we start the show?”

The crowd’s scream remained at the same level, seeming they couldn’t scream any louder.

“First off, I would like to thank all of you guys for coming tonight. We wouldn’t be anywhere today without you guys.”

The band started to play and the crowd started to jump. I sat down in my chair as I watched everyone around me jump to the beat of the music. My foot started to tap along with their jumps as I started to focus on their lyrics.

‘Remember when they said that what we want can never be done

When it all comes falling down

We’ll do what we want to

Said we’ll do what we want to

Yeah, yeah, yeah’

Whoa. His voice is higher than my grades. But, holy pancakes, it makes chills go down my spine just thinking about it. I start to move my head along with the music as the next lyrics start to come from his mouth. The crowd sings along with him in an off tone key because they’re not singing the lyrics, they’re screaming them.

By the time the song ends, I’ve already memorized the chorus. Man, this band is good.

Several songs go by and I’ve ended up standing up with Mike who gleamed at me with sweat rolling down the side of his head. I jump along with the rest and decide it’s better to enjoy this concert than go home and take pain medicine for my aching ears. Plus, this whole jumping thing is a pretty great exercise.

A slow song starts to play and I love the sound of his voice singing the soft lyrics.


For tonight

If you want to,

 I can show you

What my dreams are made of,

As I’m dreaming of your face’

The crowd is no longer screaming but singing along beautifully with him.

‘They say that love is forever,

Your forever is all that I need

Please stay as long as you need’

This song is amazing. And the way he repeatedly closes his eyes and gets lost in his own song, the emotion is practically pouring from him and onto the crowd. I hear a few sniffles here and there and I understand why, this song is so beautiful. I plan to download this song when I get home.

The song finishes and the crowd is either crying or clapping. Kellin smiles on stage and looks at the ground. He picks something off the stage floor and tosses it to the crowd. The crowd goes wild searching for the item, it looked like a bracelet.

Suddenly, I feel something hit my head and I immediately reach for the place it hit, despite it not hurting at all. I look to the floor and pick up the item, a bracelet. More specifically, the bracelet Kellin just threw into the crowd. Looks are given to me and I hear a few growls.

 I stare at the bracelet and look up to see my brother staring at me with wide eyes. He practically looks like he’s about to pee his pants. His mouth isn’t even opening, his face is just turning red as his eyes are popping out of his head. I look at him and I look around to notice if anyone else is acting the way he is. I receive many confused looks which are probably because I’m not jumping up and down as I hold Kellin Quinn’s bracelet.

I shove the bracelet in my pocket in attempt to rid myself of the stares. They all turn around, except Mike who seems confused as to why I put it in my pocket. Luckily, another song starts to play and Mike’s attention is diverted back to the guy standing in his own sweat on stage, strangely it only makes him seem far more attractive.

I jump along with the rest of the crowd till the concert ends and everyone is disappointed to see the guys run back off stage after giving a goodbye to the crowd which screams both cries of happiness and sadness to see them leave.

I checked my phone, almost blinded by the brightness, and it’s 11:32PM! We’ve been here for more than three hours! I quickly pull Mike towards me and heads towards the exit. He groans in my direction as he yells a goodbye to the group of people he was excitingly talking to.

I quickly find my car, trying to make it to the exit before the traffic builds up. A guy stands near the exit selling t-shirts of tonight’s band and Mike yells him over to the car. I send him a glare as he pays for two t-shirts that cost $30. He hands one over to me which I take and have on my lap. We make our way home and it’s 11:57PM. Phew, made it before curfew.

We tiptoe upstairs not wanting to wake up our parents and we head off to our rooms. I hear Mike jump onto his bed, exhausted from all the jumping and yelling, probably. I sit at the edge of my bed, changing into my pajamas which consist of some shorts and a white t-shirt. I reach into my pocket and pull out a bracelet I’ve never seen before.

I stare at it till I remember Kellin threw it into the crowd and it so happened to land in front of me. The bracelet is brown leather and has the name ‘Kellin Q.’ on the outside of it. It was obviously handmade, why would he throw it into a crowd? I take a closer look at the bracelet and notice something written on the inside as well. I take the bracelet under the lamp of my room and notice what it is.

It’s Kellin’s phone number.


I know, I know. Super long. I just really wanted to get all this into one chapter d: I hope you guys liked it! This is my first fanfiction, like... ever. Please don't throw fruit at me D':

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