(3) The commandment kills

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I opened the door of the restaurant and I scanned the room straight away. I saw a man who had an alcoholic stomach, a beard and was bald with a woman in a tight dress ,that suited her small body, long brunette hair and emerald eyes. I walked over beside them and sat down next to the woman, since they were at the bar.
"Rum and Coke please" I ordered. The woman turned around just from hearing my voice and she smirked at the sight of me. The bartender handed over me the drink and I looked at the woman, she was still smirking.
"How may I help you?" I asked her, since she seemed very interested in me, I gave her alluring eyes as I sipped on my drink.
"I love your dress you have on" she complimented, she had a very high pitched voice and used her hands a lot.

We talked for a while and I invited them over to the Cortez. I opened up the doors and they looked around the hotel, with their jaw dropped.
"Do you live 'ere?" Asked the man, rubbing his snotty nose.
"No. My friends do" I exclaimed to him. I lead them to room 32 and the second they heard the lock, the woman turned me around and kissed me. I opened the door after a moment of searching where the door knob was. She shoved her tongue down my throat and I lead her to the bed. I crawled on top of her and she began to unzip her dress. The man locked the door and began to undress himself. I pulled off my dress to reveal my underwear. I looked in the corner to see James with a freaky mask on. He brought his finger up to where his lips would be (but they were covered by the mask) and he told me to be quiet. I smiled at him and I joined the other two in bed. We was just simply making out and the man mainly watched me and the woman. She removed her bra and underwear, including the man so I decided to unclip my bra but keep my underwear on. The woman smiled as she saw me crawling to her. We made out and the man grabbed my hair to pull me off the woman and kiss me. He was an awful kisser and his breath smelt of cigarettes and cheap beer. I pulled away politely then he pounced on top of the woman. I turned to the corner to where James was and he was gone. I looked around the room and he was no where in sight. I turned back round to the man and woman and James stood above them both. He held out a pocket knife to me and he had two small katanas. I took the knife off him and I used all force to shove the knife in the mans back. He stood up from the woman and James slashed her with the katanas, countless times. Her screams slowly died and the man was crawling to the door.
"Here my dear!" James voice was muffled from the mask yet I still knew what he was saying. He held out the katana to me and I grabbed it. I walked over to the man and I lifted his head up and I slit his throat. His blood sprayed everywhere and leaked into the carpet. James removed his mask and his hair was a little messed up. He had a large smile on his face and he looked energised.
"What a performance!" He cheered. I grabbed my bra off the floor and clipped it back on.
"Were they the right people?" I asked him. He removed his scarf - revealing his slash wound but it didn't startle me - and undid his top button then looked over to me, and he saw me cover myself with a robe.
"They were splendid, my darling" he informed me. I smiled as I walked over to him.
"But I must say, you put on quite the act" he growled as he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms at him.
"Well... I couldn't just stand there" I chuckled.
"You're quite right my dear. Now, we must clean up" he sighed as he looked around the crime scene.
"I thought ms. Evers would do that?" I suggested. I walked over to the man and I pulled the knife out of his back and I rolled him over.
"Ah yes, David Kear. A local pedophile" James informed me. I suddenly shot my eyes up at him.
"I just kissed him, oh my god" I covered my mouth and felt like I was going to be sick. James walked over to me and he slowly moved my arm away from my mouth. He was extremely close to me, teasing me with the butterflies in my stomach.
"We brought authority to the pure children. your little show was exquisite and worked perfectly, my darling." He assured me. I still didn't feel any better about what just happened and decided to change the subject. I walked over to the woman and wanted to know her wrongs.
"How peculiar. She was also a slaughterer, just like us. Less experienced and trained which is a pity but hey-ho." James whistled as he picked up his scarf and mask and he left the room and brought in a trolley.
"What was she doing with this freak?" I kicked the mans foot and it just swayed side to side.
"Going to butcher him, like us" James informed me and he went to haul up his shoulders. I picked up the mans legs and we put him on the trolley. We walked over to the woman and I felt like I was committing another felony by touching her naked corpse. We carried her over to the trolley and James covered them with a white sheet. He began to push the trolley down the hallway and to the laundry room. He opened the chute and the god awful smell hit me again.
"You get used to it, dear" he promised me. He removed the sheet and began to throw them down the chute. He was about to throw the woman into the chute, naked.
"Wait" I restrained his arm and he looked over at me.
"Could I just..." I walked over and covered her body with the sheet James used to hide the bodies on our walk here. James dropped her down once I was done with her. He clasped his hands together in excitement.
"How do you feel, dear?" He asked me, slicking back his hair.
"I feel sticky and gross and need a shower" I groaned as I walked back to my room. James hurried next to me and smiled at me. I looked at him in confusion.
"What?" I asked him.
"Oh nothing, nothing. I just found it sweet for what you did for the lady back there" he exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. James chuckled with me. When we opened the door, we saw Ms. Evers already collecting the dirty sheets and preparing to scrub at the floor, for the second time today in this room.
"Ah, ms. Evers. Excuse us" James pointed towards the door and she scurried out with the dirty sheets. I walked into the bathroom and James followed. I began to start the shower and I glanced at James, who was leaning on the bathroom door frame. I shrugged my shoulders at him.
"Oh nothing, darling. Nothing at all" he chuckled and he shut the bathroom door, giving me full privacy. I undressed myself and I stacked my clothes in the corner, it was only a small pile since I had not much on. I closed my eyes as I washed myself down and I felt the water trickle down my face. I washed the blood off me and I did my usual routine on my hair.

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