(2) the first kill

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I woke up In my bed, sweating. I ruffled my hair as I sat up. The curtains were opened by someone and there was a stack of fresh towels on my chair and someone had kindly folded up yesterday's outfit, that was all over the floor. How sweet I thought to myself. I reached over to the nightstand and I drank some water and I checked the time.
9:30 AM
Good timing I thought to myself. I turned on my phone and I saw it was the 30th of October. Tomorrow is Halloween. I yawned as I opened the texts off my girls

Gurl what are you up to?
Anyone caught your eye there?
When are you coming back?
Any plans for tomorrow?

I replied with:
Sorry I was busy all night and the second I got into my room, I legit passed out.
Nobody here caught my eye, but the Event was fantastic, it's a shame we can't record here.
And I don't know when I'm going back, maybe next week. It depends when I feel like it, it will be a reasonable date I promise.
And I think The hotel will probably do something festive for Halloween and I'm wondering if I should dress up 😉

They responded quickly:

My response:
A sexy devil

Their response:
Is this because you was an angel last year?

My response:
Yeah, an ongoing theme. Okay I got to go, bye

I closed my phone and I hopped off my soaking wet bed. I have nightmares every night, but I've had them so many times now, I'm used to it. I grabbed my iPad and I sat down on a chair, tucking my legs close to my chest. I began to plan out my Halloween outfit.

I smiled at what I had planned for Halloween

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I smiled at what I had planned for Halloween. I loved to dress up and be someone I'm not. I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I Shouted as I rushed around to find a hoodie cover myself up, since I didn't have a bra on. James peered his head through the door and saw me run around.
"Are you searching for something, my dear?" He asked as he shut the door behind himself and brushing his suit off.
"Uhh... yeah, I wasn't exactly expecting anyone so I'm really dressed for the occasion" I gulped. I ran to my suit case and I found a jumper. I threw it on and I swung around, ruffling my hair and trying to play it cool.
"You seem rather busy, my darling. I can return later" he said. I shook my head at him and Walked over to him.
"Just needed to get a few stuff." I assured him. He smiled at me and he sat down, crossing his legs. He then took a few puffs out of his pipe.
"Any plans for today, my dear?" He asked. I made the bed to hide the sweat I had left and I sat down.
"I'm going shopping for my Halloween costume" I smiled as I just imagined myself in the costume.
"Halloween! Ah yes! Around here, it's called devils night" he grinned as he used his hands to make 'devil night' sound mysterious and scary.
"Devils night, huh?" I smiled and leaned closer in to hear his tale.
"Devils night is THE night of the season. Every famous serial killer you have heard of my dear, will be coming here tomorrow night" he grinned and he stood up and walked over to sit next to me.
"Sounds fun" I smiled. James smiled as he looked at me but he jolted his head back once he felt something on my bed.
"Oh, it's nothing" I assured him, feeling nervous. He glanced and me and he ignored me and He stood up and he revealed the sweat marks. I hid my face in embarrassment.
"My goodness, looks like you just came back from swimming" he said with astonishment.
"Ms. Evers" he shouted. The maid ran in.
"Yes?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers.
"May you please clean the sheets?" James asked her. She walked over and glanced at the stains.
"Right away sir" she scuttled out the room. I still head my head in my hands. James put his hand on my back, I just sighed.
"From what you informed me yesterday, this is perfectly normal my darling" he said as he rubbed my back. I revealed my face from my hands and I tucked my hair behind my ear.
"You'd be amazed at how long I've hid that. I hid my sweating and I said I was focusing on work instead of relationships, when really I'm just scared. For years I hid it but it was almost like you smelt it" I looked up at him and he seemed down but once he saw me face him, he put on a smile.
"Not to worry my darling. Your secret is safe with me. Now, go change. We have some errands to run" he said excitably as he walked over to the window to stare out. I walked over to my suit case and I pulled out today's outfit.

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