(6) ..yikes

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I opened one eye from my slumber, the room was pitch black and I reached my hand out to see if there was a light anywhere. I turned on the night light and squinted from its sudden brightness. I stood up and I quietly packed my things. I slipped on my shoes and I picked up my suitcases. There was more heavier than my arrival since I just Threw everything in. I hurried down the stairs.
"Going somewhere?"
I jolted my head back and I saw Sally. She was leaning on the wall next to the window while smoking.
"Sally, uhh..." I looked back at my suitcases then back to her. She just started chuckling.
"I won't tell" she smirked as she held her cigarette close to her lips.
"Thank you.." I whispered. Although I needed to say and ask favours off her, I had to go. I hurried back down the stairs and I saw Liz was at the front desk. She was reading a magazine.
"Grace?" She asked. It echoed through the lobby.
"I need to go" I quickened my pace and suddenly the countess appeared in front of me.
"Excuse me I-" she didn't let me pass her. I pulled a face of confusion and she smiled. She began to walk towards me and I took steps back.
"What's the rush?" She asked me. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Elizabeth" Liz said sternly as she stepped in between us.
"Liz" the countess smiled.
"Let her go" Liz demanded. I fell backwards and I ditched my suit cases and I ran back upstairs. I hurried down the hallways, not sure where to go. I bumped into ms. Evers and she hit me with her trolley by accident. She had a white sheet covering whatever she was pushing around.
"Oh I am so sorry!" She apologised.
"What's under here?" I asked her. She looked down at her trolley then back up to me.
"Just some dirty sheets" she exclaimed.
"Can you hide me? Take me to the lobby?" I asked her. She seemed a little shocked and confused. I heard the high heels get louder and louder down the corridor.
"Oh uhh-" Ms. Evers couldn't make her mind up so I just flew up the sheets and I laid on the trolley and laid the sheets over myself. The heels got louder and stopped next to me.
"Did Grace run down here?" The countess asked Ms Evers. It was silent for a few moments.
"Yes. Down there"
"Thank you"
The heels faded away in the background. Ms Evers began to push the trolley down and she whistled. The trolley went to a sudden holt - it crashed into something.
"Ms Evers! I demand you tell me where Grace is!" I recognised that voice... James. I saw his shadow hover around the trolley.
"Oh uh.." Ms Evers stuttered and James leaned close to her face.
"You know, don't you" he whispered.
"Oh my sheets I ordered! Thanks" was that Sally? Whoever it was, they grabbed the trolley and pulled it away. It was silent for a few moments then it went to a stop.
"You can come out" the voice said. I removed the sheet and I hopped off the trolley. There was Sally. We were in her room. She was sat on her bed, preparing to drug herself. (TW) I slowly sat down next to her as she flicked the needle.
"Why aren't you leaving?" She asked as she pressed the needle into her arm.
"I need... to ask another favour" I bit my bottom lip. I felt so needy for asking more favours off her everything she's doing for me.
"What?" She asked, staring at her veining arm.
"Can you leave a few messages?"

"Okay. Depends who, I really can't stand some people in here"

"The list is short"

"Liz and James by any chance?"

"Uh.. yeah"

"Tell me what you want me to tell them"

"Tell Liz I said thank you for everything she's done for me and tell James... I'm sorry"

Sally looked up to me, staring into my eyes. She nodded her head at me.
"Yeah okay... you should go now" Sally looked at the door and I nodded. I hurried out the room and I slowly and quietly shut it. From the amount of footsteps and doors slamming shut, it sounded like a search party... and I didn't know who was going to hand me over to the countess, James or the exit. I crept down the stairs and I heard the Elevator ping open. I took cover behind the wall and I heard two peoples conversation.
"What happens when we find her?"
"Jeez, I don't know. They kill her?"
"This all feels wrong"
"Unless you want to be isolated, you give her up"
"You're right"
They both walked off and I peered my head around to see the coast was clear. I saw Iris was now at the front desk and I didn't know if she would let me leave or not. I decided I should just RUN and leave my luggage on the floor. I took in a few breathers and I RAN, I never ran so fast.
"Hey hey hey! Stop!" Iris shouted. All of a sudden, two hands wrapped around me and threw me to the floor. It was the countess.
"What's the hurry?" She asked. Iris stopped running towards me. She was trying to warn me.
"Now what to do?" She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow while staring.

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