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Yuriko's Quirk can be used for healing their emotions, detecting their emotions, and turning emotions into nightmares.

The next day, Yuriko had healed Bakugo's emotions. She wasn't sure if she healed all of him or not because of the way he was done healed he looks angry.

Midoriya, Yuriko, and Bakugo stayed in the UA for healing Bakugo's emotions. Yuriko put her hands on Bakugo's head and detecting his emotions. Her eyes turn blue, but red with a sudden. 'Are you joking? '

"Bakugo, are you playing with my Quirk? "She asks him deadpanned. Bakugo's face sweatdropped. "...no? "

"Bakugo! "

"Alright alright! "

"Now, I want you to tell me, what are the happiest things you have done? " Yuriko active her Quirk, light red appeared on her hands. "Helping Shitty Hair his homework. " 'shitty hair? ' Yuriko raise an eyebrow.

"Ah, he means Kirishima. "Midoriya said. Yuriko ohh in understand. 'They are fated pair huh? ' "now, I want you to focus on that part, forget everyone, just him. Okay? " "yeah yeah. "

The light color on her hand slowly changing from light red to light yellow, from light yellow to light green. Midoriya looks in awe.

She detects his emotions one more time, red, blue, and orange keep popping up, from red to blue, blue to orange, and back to red. 'Why are his emotions so confusing?! '

"Bakugo, is something bothering you? "She asks softly. "Hah?! Nothing bothering me you redhead emo! " Bakugo yell. The red color was detected from her eyes. "So you're angry now. I think you're healed. Midoriya, can you take him? " "I don't need your extra help! " Bakugo yelled. Yuriko pissed and chopped his neck and make him out cold.

"Midoriya, can you help me carry him? "She said. Midoriya nodded countlessly and carried him by his shoulders. 'Ahh, he has gotten stronger now. '
Flashback end

Class 1-A...
Aizawa announced everyone can go to the training camp, everyone was shocked, even who had failed the exam.

"The failed students will receive supplemental lessons, that will include Ashido, Kaminari, Sato, Kirishima, and you too Sero. " the five of them groan. "Don't worry, there will be a student studying with you I had mentioned earlier before. "Aizawa said.

After that, he gave the students the list that needs to bring to the training camp. Yuriko and Shinsou had gotten the list from Aizawa too.

The class 1-A decided to go shopping together, except for Bakugo and Todoroki. Todoroki had to visit the hospital, Bakugo on the other hand, he said it's boring and he wanted to do his revision.

Yuriko and Shinsou are doing their revision, different class but they manage to get it right. Tomiko is drawing while Yamada is cooking the dinner. Aizawa is on his evening patrol with Midnight.

"So we're going to be there by riding Aizawa's car, then we'll be there with the class 1-A? "Yuriko asked while holding the paper that Aizawa had given them.

"Pretty much. There's a lot of things to bring. I had to pack it like moving my room for that camp. "Shinsou sigh. He closes the textbook and put it back to his bag. "Yeah... Oh, there's written we could go swimming. I've never gone to the beach before. "Yuriko said.

Shinsou looks at her. 'Never go to the beach before? ' he thought. Her eyes suddenly turn orange itself, nearly scares Shinsou half to death.

"Hitoshi? Are you confusing something? " she asked. Shinsou waves his hand. "No, it just... You never go out to the beach before? "

Yuriko nodded her head. "Yeah, mom always on her hero missions. She rarely comes back. So Tomiko was attached to me these years. I didn't know she can open up to you when she first met you tho. " she said.

Shinsou rubbed his chin. "I was too shocked to see her talking to me after I got shot. Maybe her favorite color is purple? "

"no, she told me her favorite color is yellow, just like Yamada's hair color. " Yuriko said.

Then, there's a loud bang from the living room. Tomiko rushed to the Shinsou room and grab her sister. Her tears fall out of her eyes. Yuriko detecting her sister's emotions. "Blue... Black? Tomiko, what's wrong? Did you watch a horror movie again? "Yuriko hold her sister.

"There's a monster in the living room! " Tomiko uses her Telepathy Quirk on Yuriko and Shinsou. "Uncle Yamada had been knocked down but I already drag him to his room. Sis, Toshi, help! "

"Yuriko, call Aizawa! I'll buy their time longer. " Shinsou said. Yuriko nodded. Yuriko quickly finds his number and press call.

"Hitoshi? What's wrong? " Aizawa ask.

"Aizawa! Is me, Yuriko! Uncle Yamada had been knocked down from a villain! Tomiko had to drag him to his room and rushed over Hitoshi's room! Can you please come over quickly? Hitoshi's buying their time longer. " Yuriko practically rambling on the phone.

"A villain attack?! Hold on, I'll tell Nemuri to call your mother, stay on the phone! " Aizawa said.

A loud bang can be heard out there. Yuriko protective hold Tomiko in her hands. She walks slowly to the door and looks out.

"Yuriko, tell me what do you saw right now? " Aizawa ask.

"The villain had controlled by Hitoshi from his brainwash, but there's another villain who keeps putting fire on his nearby. "She whispered.

"That's probably Dabi. Who got controlled? " Aizawa ask.

"There's a blonde girl, holding a knife, and there's a man who has hand all over him. " Yuriko answer.

"It's Shigaraki and Toga! Iron! Are you there yet?! "

"I'm on my way! Quit yelling on my ear! "

The door burst open and a pink hog came through. Dabi and Shigaraki saw this coming and quickly cover their nose. Toga is just happy to see another hero came.

"You! You hurt him! " Iron Woman rushed to Shinsou's side with a mask covered. He has scratch and cuts on his hands.

"I'll handle them to wait Eraserhead! Go find the girls! "Midnight yelled in whispered. Iron Woman nodded her head and head to Shinsou's room.

Iron Woman didn't officially tell the news about she had two daughters, so they keep it on a secret.

She finds them sitting on Shinsou's bed, Yuriko is holding Tomiko in a protective way.

"Maniac! Angle! You're okay! " Indestruct rushed to their side. "Mom/mama! " they yelled.

"Don't worry my children. I'm here. " She hugs them.

Aizawa arrived just in time. Shigaraki groan. "I hate it here! I want to go back! Kurogiri! Send me back! "He yelled in a childish way. A warp gate suddenly appears at his back."We will be back, Yuriko Nakajima. " then, they disappeared.

Shinsou falls and sits on the ground. "Hitoshi! " Aizawa hold him."No... They are after Yuriko... " he quickly rushes to his bedroom and opens the door. The three of them are safe in no harm. "Yuriko... "

Yuriko heard her name and saw Shinsou with cuts and scratches. She rushed to him and hug him. "Hitoshi! I'm glad you're safe! " Yuriko said.

"Yuriko... They are after you... " Shinsou said. Yuriko frozen.

"What? "

Aizawa comes into his bedroom. "They are after Yuriko. Reiko, you know what to do. "He said. Iron Hero stood up and nodded her head. "I'll be there. " then she kisses her daughters' forehead and left.

"Come on kids, let's get you to the hospital. I'll grab Hizashi. "Aizawa said. They nodded and quickly headed to the hospital.

Yamada didn't have any serious injuries, but he needed to stay in the hospital for two days. Shinsou was patched from the cuts. Yuriko and Tomiko didn't have any cuts so they are fine.

"from now on, Yuriko and Tomiko are living with us. For her safety." The kids nodded their heads in understanding.

'I'll be strong and protect the girls...' Shinsou though.

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