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Tokoyami does try to not feels anything he fears in the arena, but he failed.

"Hello, Birdboy! "Yuriko smirks. Tokoyami standing there with no expression. Black Shadow come out from him. "Do you really want to fight her? I mean, she's kinda strong. "

"silence, Dark Shadow. I'm gonna fight. The last fight with Yaororouzu was easy because she has no confidence. She is different. "

"Let the match, begin! " Present Mic shouted.

Yuriko activates her quirk quickly, she knows that Dark Shadow's weak so perfectly. 'Mhm... Fears of light and full darkness and it will lose control... sounds like perfect to me.'  She uses the emotions on Black Shadow because she knows Tokoyami uses him to attack.

"AAHHH WHAT IS THIS??!! "Dark Shadow shouted. Tokoyami becomes worried for him. "Dark Shadow! What's wrong?! " Dark Shadow didn't reply and keep hiding in Tokoyami.

'Now is my chance! ' she quickly turns on the silver stick and attacks Dark Shadow. Tokoyami had no time to reflex and was being pushed out of the arena. "Yuriko Nakajima won this match again! " Midnight announce.

Yuriko quickly turns off her quirk and walk to Tokoyami. "Hey, is Dark Shadow okay?" She asks. Tokoyami was surprised from her behavior, last minutes she was her, the next minutes she changes.

He nodded and bow. "I am honored to fight with you Nakajima, your fighting skills is great. " Yuriko waves her hand. "It's nothing actually, but thanks anyway. "

She headed to her class restroom to wait for the last match. Iron Woman comes to see her.

"You did great Yuriko, I'm proud of you. " She praises her. Yuriko smile, but faded. "The next match I will be fighting Bakugo. "She sighs. Iron Woman ruffles her daughter's hair. "There is nothing to fear my child. Do your best. " Yuriko nodded.

Little did she don't know, Bakugo was listening to their conversation.

"Now, the last two final match! The winner will be against Shoto Todoroki! Let's welcome Bakugo Katsuki from class 1-A and Yuriko Nakajima from class 1-H! Let the fight, begin! "Mic announced.

Bakugo and Yuriko walked to the arena at the same time. 'Even she is a support course student, she still has the fighting skills. Did her damn mother teach her? ' Bakugo though. "You will going to die you redhead emo! " he shouts, releases his explosion from his hand.

She was getting furious, 'he fears of losing, whatever I still got the third place if he won.' "Don't you dare compare me with Kirishima with the red hair! " she made the first move by using the silver stick to smack him. "Just show me what you got explosion boy or I turn your emotion into your nightmare! "

"with pleasure redhead emo! "

At the audience seat, Midoriya and Ojiro were watching their fight. "Kacchan really didn't go easy on her? " he sighs.

Ojiro shakes his head. "Bakugo already knows her moves, plus she just a support course student. I wonder where did she learn her fighting skills from. "Ojiro said. "She is the one who teams up with the Shinsou guy from the previous battle. She didn't get brainwashed tho. "

"Well because they are friends! Best friend you can say! " Hatsume suddenly shout from their back. "Uwaaaa! Ha-Hatsume! You scared me! "Midoriya said. Hatsume apologized. Ojiro looks back at Yuriko. "She is a friend with Shinsou? "He asks. She nodded her head. Midoriya rubbed his chin. "That makes sense... "

"Hatsume, please don't keep telling anyone about her and me. " a voice came to Midoriya's ears, he looks back and saw him. "Ah, h-hey there Shinsou. "Shinsou looked at the two class 1-A students and look back at Hatsume. "Tell Yuriko to find me if she won the match. She is most likely to be at the nurse's office at the end. "Hatsume nodded her head, he then left.

"First name basics? "Ojiro ask. "Not clear, but I'm not sure. I gotta go now! See you later! "Hatsume waved her hand to them and left.

Back to the arena...

"Come on fight me, you bastard! " Bakugo shouted. Yuriko was tired from the half-hour fight. He notices she was shivering. Midnight notice and walk to her. "Can you still fight? " she put a hand on Yuriko's shoulder. Yuriko shakes her hand, but suddenly collapses. Luckily Midnight was there to catch her on time.

"Katsuki Bakugo won this match! He'll be fighting Todoroki the next match! " Bakugo was looking at the girl who just collapse. 'She sure is a strong damn girl. ' Midnight quickly take Yuriko to Recovery girl.

"How did Shinsou know she could end up to the Recovery girl? " Midoriya ask.

"Just like Hatsume mentioned, they are really close. "Ojiro said. Uraraka sitting next to Midoriya, "you know her?"

"Ah, uhh, we saw her at the support course class. Her mother is the Iron Woman actually. " Uraraka nodded in understanding. Tokoyami bumped in." So she trains with her mother? " Midoriya shrugged. "I don't know, Indestruct always goes to City Hosu. " "do you wanna ask her? " Tokoyami ask.

"Maybe next time, she probably with Shinsou right now. "

Shinsou did guess she could end up in the nurse's office. Bakugo is really a strong opponent. He trained with her how could he doesn't notice. He walks to the nurse office and opens the door, he saw her mother is there with her. Her mother turns her head to the open door and saw him." am I... Interrupting? "Iron Woman shakes her head. "Nah, she hasn't woke up yet. "

He walks to her side and sat down on an empty seat. Yuriko's eyes open weakly. "Mom...? " her mother turns her head to her daughter. "You finally awake. You did well by the way. "She praise. She saw Shinsou was there too."oh hey Hitoshi." Shinsou smile and nodded.

"The first fight was fast. You're lucky Hatsume gave you that non-melt shield. The fight with Tokoyami also great." Iron Woman said.

Yuriko just smiles weakly. "Today just my lucky day. "

"I have a day off today, wanna go shopping with me?" her mother request. Yuriko nodded her head. "Tomiko will be happy too. "

The fight with Todoroki and Bakugo ended. Bakugo won the fight. She standing in third place with the boys. Bakugo is tied with a metal, groaning wants to get out. Iida left for family business. After that, All Might came and give them the medal to each of them.

"Young Nakajima, you did really good at the fight. Just like your mother. "All Might said. "Thank you All Might, but I'm not going to be a hero, I want to help them with my best. " All Might nodded his head and hug him. "Very well Young Nakajima. "

After he gave the boys' medals, the student went to their class and get announced internships by hero course homeroom teacher. They packed their belongings and went to their home.

Yuriko still hasn't left, she was waiting for her mother with the UA staff. Shinsou walks to her. "Hey, wanna train tomorrow? " he asks. "Sure, mom leaves tomorrow morning. You pick me up every day after all. "

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Yuriko. "

"See you tomorrow, Hitoshi. "

They waved their hand goodbyes.

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