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-Before the Villains attack-

Yuriko has been feeling weird lately. Whenever she sees or around Shinsou, her heart beating fast, butterfly in her stomach, and her face all red. She doesn't know what to do, so she called her mother.

"Hello, Maniac! What do you need? " Reiko asked her daughter, she is hanging out with Mirko and Hawks.

"I have been feeling weird lately mom, I don't know what's this. " Yuriko said.

"What's wrong? " Reiko stopped her pace. Another two pro heroes look at her.

"Whenever I saw Hitoshi, my heart is beating so fast, my face goes red and my stomach feeling weird. Am I sick? " Yuriko said, not knowing what is she feeling.

"Oh, my Maniac... " Reiko laugh and sigh. "You're in love. "

"W-What? "

"You're in love with him Maniac! You better be quick and go get your man! I bet he's waiting for you! " Reiko said. A muffled sound of laughter can be heard in the background.

"Alright... "She hung up the call. She doesn't believe what her mother just said just now. 'I'm in love? ' she thought.

She standing in front of the mirror and activate her Quirk on herself. A pair of purple eyes reflect on the mirror when she thought of Shinsou. She backs off and deactivates her Quirk. "Damn, I really do in love, huh... But what suppose to I do? "

At the same time after Yuriko hung up the call with Reiko, she called Aizawa.

"Eraser! I have good news! " Reiko said, like a 5 years old getting her favorite toy.

"What good news that required to be too loud? " Aizawa groaned, he just got up from his nap. Reiko laughed.

"Maniac might be in love with your son! " Reiko announces the news like dropping a bomb to him. Aizawa froze.

"Wait-what do you mean 'might be'? I thought she know the feeling? "

"She hasn't realized her feelings until now! Maybe you can tell her that the feelings she has because this is her first crush. "Reiko explained.

"She took a lot like you. " Aizawa groaned.

"Yea yea. I'm gonna go now! Tell me if they starting to date! Bye Eraserhead! " Reiko bid good-bye before she hung up the call.

-Present time-

Yuriko is panicking right now, she doesn't know how to confess her love to Shinsou. Thanks to Aizawa, he didn't tell anyone about her feelings she has recently. Tomiko looks at her sister and sighs.

"Onē-chan, stop panicking. He'll say yes. " Tomiko said. Yuriko looks at her sister with deadpanned and a slight glare. "Tomiko, I'm not going to purpose him, that's for man's job! " Tomiko ignore her glare and laugh.

Shinsou and Aizawa are training at the backyard. Yuriko doesn't know what to say the first word to him. She went to Yamada for help.

"Uncle Yamada? Can you help me with something? " Yuriko asks. Yamada looks who's there and realize it's her. "Hello, listener! What do you need me for help? "

"Uhh... It's kind of embarrassing... I have a crush on Hitoshi for a while..." Yuriko said. Yamada's lips turn into a smile. "So it's finally huh? " "What? "

"Nothing my listener! After their training, you can confess your love with Hitoshi! Just relax and tell him how much do you love him! " Yamada said. Yuriko looks at him. 'That's actually a good idea...' She though. "Thank you, uncle Yamada. " "no problem my listener! "

Yuriko and Tomiko may not be Aizawa-Yamada children but they see them as one. This blessed Yamada more.

After the boys' training, they came back with sweats with their bodies. They made a quick shower and headed to the kitchen to have their dinner, Tomiko, Yuriko, and Yamada as well. Yuriko was nervous inside, Aizawa notices her and sigh. 'Problem child these days... ' he thought.

The dinner was rather quick, Yuriko called Shinsou over to her room. The two adults cleaning the kitchen for her and her privacy.

"Hitoshi? Can I tell you something? " Yuriko asks. Shinsou shrugged. "Sure, what do you want to tell me about? "

"I... Like you. "


Shinsou looks at her with his eyes widen. He didn't hear the wrong information, right?

"Hitoshi? " Yuriko asks him again, he was frozen at the spot. 'Did I broke him? ' she worried.

One second he was frozen, the next second she was attacked by his hug. "Hitoshi! Are you okay? "

"I was going to say it first, but it seems like you stole it from me. " Shinsou flirt casually. Yuriko's face becomes redder. 'Did he just... Flirt with me? ' she thought.

Shinsou put his hand on her cheeks, "can I... Kiss you? " he blurted out. Yuriko nodded with embarrassment. Without hesitation, they shared a passionate first kiss. She is happy that her first kiss was taken by him.

"I love you Yuriko. "

"I love you too Hitoshi. "

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