(IV) Her nightmare.

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Chanyeol POV
aish.. I cant find a great tv show the movie was so boring it was about romance and the story is just so cheesy yuck. "Yah why did you change the channel? Its a great movie aish." SinB said grumpyly. Aigoo neommu kyeopta. "The movie is boring you know! And plus i know the ending anyway they will married and they will live happily ever after yay! Just like in cartoons and princesses like cinderella" I said. "Ish ok then whatever" she said. "HA! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!" I said happily as i found the right channel. "YAH OPPA THIS IS A HORROR MOVIE! I HATE HORROR MOVIE!" She said while hiding her face using a pillow. "Yah! Its not even creepy! The ghost looked cool anyway!" I said while giggling a little. "YAH OPPA KYAA~" She said as she hugs me tightly and hide her face behind my shoulder. "Yah gwenchana its only in movies they wont be in real life unless there's a person that hate you died and that person will haunt you." I said teasing her. "YAH YOU MAKE ME FELT AFRAID EVEN MORE!" She said as she left me. "Yah where are you going?" I said. "Im going to sleep! Its getting late and im going to school tomorrow i dont wanna be late!" She said. I know the real reason, she was so scared HAHAHA what a cute girl.

It is getting more late, and my parents,my younger sisters, and my brothers havent went home. They said they are all stucked in a traffic jam and im also stuck in the sofa alone since SinB slept. Im starting to felt sleepy but im trying to ALWAYS put my eyes on the tv so i can stay up all night to wait for them. "KYAAA!!!!" As u hear SinB screaming from up stairs or i guess she screamed from her bedroom. I quickly ran away to her room to find her incase she felt hurt or there's somebody trying to hurt her. "SINB YAH GWENCHANA?" I screamed. But she didn't reply. What i hear is only her sobbing i think she's crying. I quickly open the door and i found her crying her face looks red like she's afraid of something. "Oppa i had a nightmare" she said as she hug me tightly just like what she did when we watch the horror movie few hours ago. "Dont leave me. Jebal. Im so scared oppa." She said while crying her heart off. My shirt was kinda wet because of her tears. But its alright im just letting her crying her heart off so she could feel more calmer. "I'll stay.. Uljimma.. Its just a dream.. You have me anyway.. I'll protect you no matter what okay?" I said as i erase her tears using my thumb. She just reply with a nod. So that night, i forget about my parents and my siblings that haven't went home. Im pretty sure any of them brought the key. What's more important right now is, SinB. She's more important than anything right now. Maybe she only have a bad dreams. But what if, that dream REALLY is scary? I really need to make her felt safe so she won't be afraid anymore.

ANOTHER UPDATE YAY! So, im sorry if i always do short chapter everytime i update:(( im always busy, and on this chapter, i have tried to make it a long chapter but ofcourse no matter how hard i had tried, always turns out it be a short chapter huft. So hope you like it and i'll update again tomorrow okay byee!!💗

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