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Halsey's P.O.V

I hummed to myself as I continued doodling in my notebook. I gave my sketch a sceptical look trying to figure out what was drawn on my page but failed after coming up with nothing. I shrugged putting the pen inside the notebook before closing it and putting it on the table beside me. I breathed in the fresh air and took in my surroundings. It was still early in the morning, around 7 a.m, and everyone's still asleep. I just woke up early and decided to make a cup of coffee and enjoy it, along with nature, on my balcony. The Sun was due to come up soon but I wished it stayed down a little while longer. I was quiet enjoying this serene atmosphere with the shadows of the forest in front of me coming and going behind the mist. I loved nature. It always has a way of calming one down and opening up one's senses to the life-giving and nuturing aspects Mother Nature gifts and surrounds us with which most take for granted.
A gust of wind blew past me and I lightly shivered bringing my knees up against my chest and curling my arms around myself still admiring the beautiful view infront of me.
"Halsey?" Jimin poked his head out my sliding door frowning at me.
I looked up at him and smiled,"Good morning."
His features softened but he worriedly looked me and down before popping his head back into my room and then emerging with my fluffy blanket.
"You'll catch a cold, love," he said as he wrapped my short pj clothed body in the blanket.
"Thanks. I got lost in thought and haven't payed much attention to the coldness," I grinned and snuggled deeper into the warmth of the blanket.
He chuckled and leaned with an arm on my balcony admiring the scene infront of us as well. I noticed him shivering slightly and frowned. That's when I finally payed attention to his attire. He was barefoot with a shorts and tank top which barely covered up anything. Not that I was complaining. More eye candy for me to oggle. Halsey, wtf?! Stop! I shook my head and scrubbed those thoughts away.
"Jimin," I softly called and he turned to me.
I slowly opened my blanket inviting him to join my warm nest to which he replied with a confused look. I rolled my eyes and stood up before grabbing his hand seating him down on my chair and got on his lap closing the both of us with the blanket. I shivered a bit due to his body being cold from the wind and I guess he noticed because a second later he pulled me closer into his chest and tightened the blanket around us. I sat sideways on his lap which came in handy since I immediately nustled my head into the crook of his neck and sighed contently.
"Warm yet?" He glanced down at me.
"Uh-huh. You?" I looked up at him.
"Cozy." He grinned and I giggled.
We stayed silent for a while just content in our own world.
"What made you stay in the city?" Jimin suddenly asked.
"Huh?" I looked up at him confused and he chuckled.
"It's just that I can see the pure love of nature on your face everytime you're in or look at the forest. Don't think I haven't noticed how you would've simply camped out in the middle of nowhere if RM hadn't literally thrown you over his shoulder and continued hiking on."
I laughed recalling the incident of two days ago.
"At times I pity myself for living in the city and never getting to see, feel, smell and embrace the gift of Earth like most people do. When I retire I promised myself I'll move to a place just like this and even raise my future children in that small town just outside of Oklahoma where my dad and I would often visit his adoptive parents back when I was still in middle school. We would go up there every second weekend for the entire weekend and go hiking, sightseeing, swimming in the lake, walk around the small town just window shopping. It will always be one of my most precious childhood memories."

Do you still visit them?" He asked.
I shook my head, "They died in a plane crash 4 years ago."
"I'm so sorry," he tightened his arms around me and rubbed my back as I fought tears but failed.
"It's okay. It just hurts everytime I think of it."
"Halsey!" V yelled from inside my room and I perked my head up.
"Halsey?" He walked onto my balcony and spotted Jimin and I.
"What did you do to her?!" He pulled me off of Jimin and into his arms.
"What? I didn't do anything!" Jimin defended.
"Look at her! You clearly broke her!"
I frowned. Did I look that horrible?
"I didn't break her. She's not an object." Jimin rolled his eyes and V responded by sticking his tongue out and ushering me back inside.
"It's okay, Halsey. I'll beat him up for you," he rocked me back and forth as we stood in the middle of my room.
I tried not to laugh and stepped out of his arms.
"Tae, I'm okay. Jimin didn't do anything."
"Told you!" Jimin walked in and leaned against the sliding door.
"Shut up," he glared at his best friend and walked out.
"He's so weird. Okay, get cleaned up while I attempt to make us breakfast," he kissed my forehead then left.
I smiled and touched the spot he kissed. I couldn't help but giggle at the fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach. I pulled myself together a few minutes later and started getting ready for the day.

"MY KITCHEN!" I heard Jin scream from upstairs.
A sound of a pot and Jimin crying out made me bust into laughter as I slipped on some shoes and headed to the fiasco.
"Can you believe this kid?!" Jin asked once he saw me, pot in hand.
I looked around and saw the kitchen in a complete mess. Flour, sugar, syrup, fruit and chips were lying all over the place. I turned to Jimin who was pouting and rubbing the back of his head.
"I just wanted to make a peanut butter sandwich."

A/N: Well this isn't what I intended for this chapter but I just wrote down anything that came to mind. Don't kill me. I just wanted to update for those who were waiting so patiently for a new chapter. I promise to really update soon. The new year doesn't start until a few minutes but... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!❤️

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