Chapter 28

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"It's hospital policy." Dr. Goldstein said before Rory could even complain about the wheelchair. Offering her his hand, he helped out of bed and into the chair. "You don't have a primary care physician, right?"

"I haven't been to see a doctor in years actually." She looked back at him as he pushed through the halls to the patient pickup exit. "I don't think your profession is suffering though."

"No, no we're not but you really need follow ups." Slipping his card into her hand as they took the elevator down he leaned closer to her. "Call my assistant and schedule an appointment for six weeks from now, okay?"

They exited the elevator and Rory flicked the corner of the card. "Yeah, I will. Thanks for your help; you really have one hell of a bedside manner."

"Well, you're one hell of a patient." He winked as she glanced back at him. "Will your boyfriend be taking care of you?"

Rory laughed and shook her head. "No, I can take care of myself. He'll help out but Happy isn't exactly the nurturing type."

"Is his name really Happy or is that just an ironic nickname?"

"As far as I know, unless he's been lying, it's his real name." Rory remembered seeing 'Happy Lowman' on his arrest record and being shocked it wasn't some MC given nickname.

He slowed as they came up to the sliding glass doors to see Happy parking her car by the ramp. "Well, it looks like your ride is here. Perfect timing."

"He's always seems to arrive just in time." She said with a whimsical little smile. "I'll see you in six weeks."

"Any problems head right to the closest ER."

"Will do." She assured him as Happy came in to help her into the car. "Get me home." She whispered, clutching his hand.


It was a long drive but Rory was thrilled to be out even if they were stuck in the car listening to static filled radio. She rolled the window down and smiled, her eyes closed, as they sped down the highway. The sun warmed her left side as they drove and she felt herself begin to drift off.

"What's all that?" He tapped the papers in her lap and pulled her from her sleepy state.

"Just rules and shit, instructions about dealing with the glue stitches, I pretty much can't live my life. No drinking, no smoking, no rigorous physical activity, no recreational drugs, no fun."

Happy smiled a little at her pouty expression and tried a joke to cheer her up. "No rigorous activity, huh?"

"I don't know what's worse, boring slow sex or no sex at all."

"When we get back I'll lick you out, make you feel real good. No effort necessary."

No flowers or some cheap stupid teddy bear but offers of oral sex and orgasms she didn't have to feel the need to offer in return. That was not Rory's idea of a normal relationship, most of the time it was fine but not all the time, she needed more. She almost felt bad for previous boyfriends. She'd never been like this and in past relationships, she was more like Happy than she'd have liked. At least she spoke though, there was communication and she could be sweet. Rory was starting to doubt Happy really wanted to or even could give her more.

"No, I think I'll pass."


Once she was home, Rory sat at the tiny dining room table and looked at Happy. "Thanks for the ride."

"Yeah, you're welcome." He joined her but she wouldn't meet his gaze. "You hungry?"

"No. I'm feeling restless. I want to do something but I can't do shit. Why don't we hit a movie or the mall in Sacramento?" Happy hesitated and she huffed, annoyed. "You know what, forget it."

"You okay?"


"What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you?"She snapped back with a cruel insinuation and harsh attitude. "I don't want to fight, maybe you should go."

"I think I should." He said bitterly.

"Why don't we just take a few days to assess whatever this is."

"That again?"

"Again? I barely get a word out of you, Hap! I asked you what this was and you just kissed me. What does that mean?" Before he could answer, she raised her hand. "Just go."

"Guess you got what you needed, huh? Chinese threat is gone, your crazy ex-boyfriend is gone and that con who tried to kill you is gone. They're all dead because of me. You're just peachy now. You're welcome."

"You're an asshole!" She shouted as Happy slammed the door behind him.

Rory coughed, her lungs stinging from yelling, and she began to cry. That could have been avoided if both or even just one of them actually expressed themselves. She looked around her empty apartment, the one he insisted on instead of the room above some nasty bar, and hated herself for being too proud and hurt to follow him.


Shortie for the weekend! I'm going to try to post again before Monday but it's not looking likely! Enjoy xoxo

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