Chapter 22

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Rory kept glancing down at her phone, completely distracted from her work, hoping Happy would call. She had hung up annoyed and she still was but she missed him. There was no doubting they needed to talk, something more than sex and burying dead bodies would be nice, but Rory doubted Happy was willing or even able to open up. It was a practical thing; she had to be mature about them and what she ultimately wanted.

"Hey." Rory smiled as Johnny poked his head in the room. "I think I have it all figured out. I can help out, I have a couple thousand but you'll still need more. I'm guessing life insurance and savings weren't on his radar and aren't on yours?"

Jeffrey stepped over the threshold and leaned against the closet door. "Eric was never accepting of the fact he'd be dying one day and I don't have much saved. That's why I'm here actually, we got a line on a fugitive, high bounty."

"Jesus, really?" Pushing her papers to the side, Rory threw herself back on the bed and groaned. "You guys are killing me. You want me to help, don't you?"

"Great plan, he's in state, we could have him by the end of the night."

Sitting up again, Rory laughed. "Oregon doesn't do bounties, that's why we work out of state. How do you want to pick him up if he's actually within state lines?"

"You know, you're very pretty." He said with a sly smile.

"No." She adamantly shook her head. "Whatever you're thinking, it's not happening."

"For Eric," he said. "One last job and you can go back to California with a huge chunk of cash from this. Whatever is left after paying for the funeral is all yours."

"How bad is this dude?" She asked skeptically. "He's gotta be dangerous if it's that much money."

Eric came toward her and sat on the bed. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I would never put you in harm's way. Trust me. This will keep you golden for a while and it'll put my brother in the ground with some class. I think you owe him that much, Aurora."


"You do what I tell you?" Bobby asked as he and Happy down the lot toward their bikes. "Were you able to chip away at that ice around your heart?"

Happy thought he was doing well, making an effort, albeit blindly, but the way she ended their conversation that morning was proof of the opposite. "I fucked it up."

"Why am I not surprised?" With a fatherly hand on his shoulder, Bobby broke it down. "Conversations. Shit, it should be easier than talking to your mom and aunt, the only women you talk to. At least with this one you can talk about the murders you love so much."

"This shit with the Chinese, how long you think it'll take?" Happy was eager to head up to Hawthorne and as much as he wanted sex he wanted to talk to Rory and hopefully smooth things over.

Bobby shook his head. "I don't know, Lin's an asshole and we don't know what he wants but Clay is gonna want you on this."

"Yeah. She was pissed anyway, I'll give her some time to chill." Happy hated feeling so uncomfortable and unsure but the alternative, screwing things up with Rory, was worse.

"You're already learning." The joke hardly made Happy smile but Bobby laughed heartily as he mounted his bike. Happy already had a plan; as soon as they were done with Lin he'd have Juice trace her cell and head right up.


"I look like a slut." Rory said, her eyes roaming over her reflection. "And this whole thing doesn't feel right."

Jeffrey didn't like using her as bait but he was assured by Johnny she was all in, although scared. "You do look like a slut that's the point. Are you sure about all this?"

"It'll be cake." Johnny laughed as she bent over awkwardly to slip her heels on and tried her best not to show them too much. "You should do the slut thing more often. I'm sure that biker boy of yours would love it."

She pouted and shook her head. "Yeah, he used to be a fan of sluts but I think he's seen the light. Sluts are no goddamn good."

"Alright," Jeffrey said. All he wanted was to get moving and get it all over with as soon as possible. "Got your gun?"

"A gun," she corrected. "Not MY gun, long story."

They both looked at her with skeptical and judgmental eyes before leading her out to the van. She walked slowly, not well practiced in heels, and took Johnny's hand as she climbed in the backseat.

"I'm nervous." She admitted in a whisper. "This guy is fucking scary."

"You act nervous and he'll know you're more than an easy lay. Just relax, have some drinks and flirt like your cut of this bounty depends on it, cause it does."


"You know," Rory slurred her words, "My place isn't far. Just ten minutes into Cali." Her lips grazed his earlobe as she shouted over the music. "Why don't we get out of here?"

Only half done his beer McGee wasn't ready to leave yet. Content with groping in full view of the club, showing off, and drinking heavily he waved for the bartender to make Rory another drink. She'd nursed two, two too many, and a third was risky.

"Have another."

She giggled and shook her head. "Then I'll pass out and we won't get to have any fun."

"I'll still have fun." He said, no hint of a joke, and squeezed her ass.

That was the difference between scumbags like this guy and Happy; even if Johnny and Jeffrey didn't see it. Rough sex, a little pain with some demeaning talk were turn-ons when she knew there was no danger and that Happy cared and respected her. Her guys thought she'd be okay with this because they saw all criminals the same and that was a dangerous misconception. Rory was scared and far from enjoying any second with this man.

"I don't want another drink." She said staunchly. "Let's go back to my place, I have beer and handcuffs." Wriggling her eyebrows, Rory tugged at his belt. "Please?"

Taking her hand McGee lead her to the back fire exit and out into the alley. "You can blow me right here."

"Isn't this a little, out in the open? Besides, I want to get off too."

Gripping her hair he kicked out her feet and forced Rory to her knees. "Suck my dick."

"No." She clawed at his hand in an effort to free herself. The others should have been there by now, Rory kept listening and looking but John and Jeffrey were gone. "Let me go." They might not have seen her leave, none of them knew of the fire exit McGee used.

McGee grunted, annoyed, and kneed her back against the brick wall. Snatching her purse, one foot on her chest keeping her still, he pocketed her cash and credit cards. Her recovery agent credentials were mixed in with various receipts and gum wrappers. With a furious stare he grabbed the glinting blade from her bag, her father's blade, and grinned darkly. The gun was much too loud but he'd take it just in case. Bending down, he quickly plunged the knife into her chest and abdomen three times before darting off.

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