Chapter 4

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*Minor adult content!*


Happy and Rory drove off quickly and zipped straight through Charming to a gnarly bar on the outskirts off Highway 18. It was filled with overweight, elderly men who had all arrived on their own bikes although their heyday had come and gone many years before. It was midmorning but half of them were already drunk, or still drunk, Rory didn't know.

"Thank you." She said immediately as he joined her at the table with two barely chilled beers. "I was pissed you killed him but I probably wouldn't have had the chance. So, thanks." She clinked the top of her bottle with his.

"What are you going to do now?" He asked, dismissing her gratitude.

Rory drew her head back and shrugged. "I don't know." She watched with interest as he glanced down and very obviously answered a text. "So, they knew who I was, right?"


"What do they want you to do with me?" She asked, slightly fearful for the first time with him.

Happy rolled his toothpick over his lips. "Keep you out of Charming."

"Wow, that's not as..."


"Yeah," she laughed. "Not as nasty as I was expecting."

"You got anyone?" He leaned back in his chair and slink down a few inches to get comfortable.

Rory shook her head. "No family but I have some friends, other bounty hunters. I'll be okay."

"You're not half bad." He nodded. "Trigger shy but good aim."

"I've never killed anyone before." She admitted, as if he didn't already know. "Guy deserved it though."

Happy grinned at that and nodded. "I can always find a reason."

"Did your first bother you?" Happy shook his head and she nodded, embarrassed like his experience was anywhere near normal for a human. "I'm not as upset as I thought I'd be."

"Killa," he remarked with a smile. Rory laughed and leaned over the table.

"I smell like shit again, don't I?"

"Still, yeah."

"I got a motel, it's right outside Charming so no need to get nasty but think you drop me off?"

Happy had enough crow eaters come onto him that he was sure Rory just invited him back for sex. He nodded and downed his beer, then hers, before heading back out the way they came.


"Well, this is it." She climbed off his bike with a pained smile. "Here." Handing him a already prepared napkin with her cell scribbled on it she waited apprehensively for Happy to take it. "You know, if you want to get nasty again or you need something."

Monumentally disappointed he took the paper and shoved it into his cut. "Yeah." He searched his pockets although Happy knew he had no pen.

Rory had not one sexual or romantic thought, not until after she was out of the woods at least. Each time he grabbed her though, starting at the clubhouse, she couldn't help but entertain the thoughts his strength caused in her. "I have a pen inside." While her earlier suggestion was not overtly sexual Rory was happy she'd gotten him there.

They entered the room and she pointed to the small bureau. "Pen and paper by the TV." Happy nodded and quickly jotted down his number.

"It changes a lot." He said, turning back to find her completely nude and stepping into the bathroom.

"You could use a shower too, Happ." She grinned and stepped behind the curtain.

Rory felt completely out of her wheelhouse and hurried to bathe before he could get in. Being the seducer wasn't a role she'd played before and as she quickly lathered and rinsed Rory feared he wouldn't join her. Maybe it was the fact that she was muddy and sweaty and filthy or maybe he didn't find her attractive, she wasn't really sure. She froze as he stepped into the shower with her and pressed her against the cold tile wall, feeling her body against his. Rory couldn't believe she was so attracted to a man she'd just committed murder with but she couldn't stop it. She began to wonder who she really was.

When she tried to kiss him, Happy buried his face in her breasts and hoisted her up, guiding her legs around his waist. She was taken aback by his refusal to lock lips but not enough to end their dalliance. Digging her nails into his back Rory let the physical pleasure take over and push her out of her own head for the first time in months. Just as she imagined, he was strong, his muscular arms easily holding her weight.

"Shit, Hap." She moaned but he shook his head and shushed her. Happy didn't want words, he simply wanted satisfaction for both himself and Rory.

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