"Oh shut up peter"

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*on call*
Emma-hey Peter Stark gave me a suit but won't let me use it unless your with me so can u come over
Peter-sounds good I'll be at your window in five
Emma-ok thank you bye
*end call*

Peters POV:after I hung up I got a call from Stark
*on call*
Peter-oh hey Mr.Stark I was just about to go over there to get Emma she said you gave her the suit
Stark-uh yeah,hey Peter I wanted to tell you to watch over her she's young and dumb and she will want a adventure like you did when you first got the suit but I just need you to take care of her like she's your family,got it kid
Peter-y-yes got it
Stark-ok good we'll see you later
*off call*
That was kinda weird why would he say that oh well I just have to make sure she dose the get in trouble and is safe so biggy we aren't really going anywhere anyway just going to swing around and go back to the tower and drop her off that's all nothing more nothing less.right

**time skip**
Emma's POV:
"WOOOOOO" this is so fun swinging with the wind in my hair "YEAH" we landed on the tallest building (Emma didn't swing to the building she held onto Peter she doesn't know how to swing yet she is to scared) "ugh I'm so excited untill I can swing around"I say

"Yeah me too I wouldnt have to carry you around all the time"he laughed

I wasent listening because the sun was setting making the view breathtaking "it's so pretty"I say at awe "yeah it is isn't it" if I would've looked then I would have seen him looking at me and not the view after a few seconds of staring I turned back to him to find him looking at me

"What"I said "oh nothing it's just"he stopped "do I have something on my face"I laughed wiping away nothing on my face

"No it's just your really pretty" he says

I blush "oh shut up Peter"I say playfully laughing then turning my attantion to the view once more before thinking

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