"FRIDAY i need backup"

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of shattering glass I jumped up to go check it out I slipped down the hallway to see a man in blackout cloths "shit" I've never had to fight somebody before I'm terrified

No Emma your fine Steve or someone will come and save the day like they all ways do but they didn't come

Ok I've decided if he breaks one more thing I'll fight him *crash* ughhh

I stepped out "hey are you the new recruit haven't met you yet" he stopped and looked at me "run along little girl this doesn't involve you" well time to distract him I walk over to the couch and turn on the tv "okay if you say so but what are you here for anyway"

"Okay lady who are you and I'm here to kill the avengers" this made my blood boil I lost my first family I'm not losing my second one I stood up and webbed his hands and mouth shut "listen here buddy you are not going to come in here and try to kill my family I won't allow it so you either leave here now without a scratch on your body or leave here without a purpose in life anymore" he gulped and I realized his switch in mood he lifted a eyebrow

He head butted me and I fell back I groaned "you bitch you asked for it" I ran at him and went for the legs I flipped him on his back and webbed his legs together when he pulls out a gun and shoots i moved out of the way but it still nicked my leg enough to were I'm bleeding and limping he broke the webs and stood over me "ok I give up but if you want anything valuable only say the words "FRIDAY i need backup" ok it's a password" I faked

"Wait what" he was confused I chuckled at the confused man "yes ma'am Emma I'll send Steve" FRIDAY answered my eyes went wide "shit" I said

"You son of a bitch" that's when he shot me in the lower stomach I moaned in pain and rolled over curled up in a ball next thing I remember is a shield heading for the head of the man I was just shot by

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