"Hey you okay?"

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I'm still laying on the couch when Peter walks in I sit up and walk over to him "hey Pete" he looked up to me "hey Emma you okay you look a little pail"
"I'm fine you ready to go"
"Y-yeah" I walked past him I'm sure he was confused

We swung to my house but I stopped a few houses down Peter landed by me "hey you okay"
"Yeah I'm just a little nervous I don't really know what to say"
"You will be fine I'll be with you" he stated
"Well actually I was thinking I think you should stay here"
I said nervous to look back at his face "w-what but I though-"

"I know Pete but I think it will be better if I go alone" he huffed and left "Peter don't be like that I'm sorry" I yelled out to him as he swung away ignoring me I sighed

I jumped from building to building untill I arrived to my apartment "well it looks the same"I said to myself I grabbed my back pack and took off my mask and put my cloths over my suit

I walked to the door having a mental battle on if I should knock or leave when the door opens "w-what oh hey darling can I help you?" I sweet woman opened the door not my parents "umm do you know the people that used to live here?" I asked the woman biting the inside of my lip "oh sweety we just moved in 2 months ago I'm not sure if I know them" I gulped tears stinging my eyes "oh okay then I was just wondering"

"Oh okay hunny well bye" I left without a word and went to an alley and went on top of the building were my bag was I changed back into my suit and swung to the tallest building in the city I needed to think

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