"Long story"

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I was awoken by Friday "Emma Mr.Stark needs you downstairs" I yawned and looked at my clock 1:00pm dang I slept late "tell him I'll be down in 5" "he said be down in 4" ugh "ok thank you FRIDAY" I got up and quickly got dressed then headed down stairs

I went down there and everybody was sitting down looking at me "umm w-what is happening"

"Oh your here sit down" he pointed at the seat I sat down beside Wanda and Thor "hey guys" Thor shushed me

"Ok so that guy that shot Emma his name is Michael fore he works for hydra" I looked up to see Bucky hiding his face "wants us dead and now wants Emma dead and since FRIDAY said Emma's name he now knows who she is" I looked around nervous "but if it wasn't for Emma a things could have been a lot worse if she wouldn't have stopped one of us could have been dead" everyone looked at me and I awkwardly smiled

Thor high fives me under the table and a chuckle

"And now that brings me to why I brought all of y'all here" everyone dropped their smiles and got serious "we are temporally moving up state as a hideout and instead of having all separate rooms we will all have to share a room with someone in case something bad happens just to be safer" we nodded and headed out when I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Bruce "Emma come see me in the lab I have to show you something" I nodded and followed him

"So you know how I got your blood when you got shot" I nodded "well look" I looked on a screen he pulled up to see electricity connecting two blobs "what are those blobs" I asked "those are your blood cells" he answered I gasped "I have electricity in my blood" I put my hand over my mouth

"Yup and I even took it as far as getting blood from Thor and this is what his looks like" he pulled up another picture only to see they look the same "oh my gosh that why when I was talking to the sky it answered" I whispered "wait what you talked to the sky and it answered" he said confused "long story"

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