"Now tell me bucky"

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***time skip***
We headed to our rooms and settled in Me and Thor were on the top floor I walked to the balcony to see a swimming pool and a big yard full of cool things to do but tony said we can't do any of it cause it will give away our cover I called Peter earlier to tell him about the place

He said he really wanted to come but Stark wouldn't let him and he had school anyway I went down the stair to see what kind of food this place had when I saw Bucky there I turned around and went back to my room I could sense that he saw me but I didn't care he should feel bad about how he treated me

The whole day me and Thor just hung around I taught him how to play a few games on the PlayStation let's just say I kinda got him obsessed with it and it's so funny to see him die in some of the games he gets so mad

"Ugh I hate this the game" Thor said after he died again I just laughed he ended up breaking the controller and we couldn't go buy another one i was going to bully him for the rest of the trip I walk downstairs

"TONY CAN YOU SEND oh hey didn't see you there can you send someone to send us another controller for the PlayStation Thor ripped the other one in half?"
"Sure I'll see what I can do" he answered "thanks" I walked away but bumped into someone great Bucky
"Oh hey Bucky sorry I was just leaving" I walked past him
"I'm sorry Emma I didn't mean to do that to you I just got mad" I sighed "is that what you always do when you get mad" I snapped back not wanting to here his excuse for a apology "Emma I'm being serious"

"Me too" I stated facing him "I just asked a simple question and you couldn't answer it you flipped out and I didn't even do anything" he sighed "it's not that easy to explain"

"I don't care if it's easy or not if it's about my dad I deserve to know" I raised my voice "follow me" he said and walked away

We went to his room were Steve was "oh hey Emma" Steve said "hey" "now tell me Bucky"

"Tell her what Bucky" Steve said "what I told you last night"

"Guys shut up Bucky tell me"

He took a deep breath "ok but don't say anything till I'm done finishing the story" I nodded a little scared "a long time ago you know that I was with hydra well o met someone there his name was Daren Stone,your dad,he would come to the base every Monday,wednesday,Friday,and Sunday to put more stuff in me I was being tested on one day he walked in and I overheard him talking about his daughter said he loved her and she has this weird obsession with the rain" I covered my hand over my mouth "he also said something about how he will create an animal with special abilities and the bite from that animal would be life changing I didn't know what that meant but-"

"The spider" I speak up

"What" he asked

"She was bit by her fathers spider that's why she can do the things she can" Steve answered

"Well I thought he was gonna use this animal on me but he didn't get the chance,I escaped" he finished

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