❃ Chapter Twenty Four - The Death Of Me

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Not. Fair.

That was all I had to say. All I could actually say.

I worked on my jaw as I looked down at my rigid cock, dripping with one tear of precum at the tip. I have met many women along the years, fucked enough of them too... but not even one was as dirty as my Narah. Jesus, this was cruel. Really fucking cruel.

"Jerome!" Logan shouted in my ear, provoking my whole body to jolt.

"What?" I grumbled, putting the phone on speaker with the volume turned all the way up.

"Who the hell was that?"

"Who was who?" I played dumb, going to my closet to grab some sheets to replace the... very stained ones from the bed.

"You know who the hell I'm fucking talking about!"

Searching through the drawer, I eventually pulled some black and white sheets, completely ignoring his question.

"Jerome!" He yelled again when he received no answer.

"No," I muttered.

"No what? No, you won't tell me? No, you're not there? Cause it sure as hell doesn't feel like you're anywhere! The past week you barely gave me any fucking reports, what are you even doing?!?"

His words entered one ear and exited the other as I removed the sheets from the bed, making sure to take the dirty ones to the bathroom, sink them in bleach so the stains would come off and I could just throw them in the dirty laundry basket after they dried a little.

When I returned to the room, Logan was still shouting, asking questions, bullshit after bullshit I didn't even bother listen. I put on the clean sheets, left the door open to the bathroom to listen to him shout as I took a shower and completely ignored him. I brushed my teeth, changed my bandage, then went to my closet to get dressed.

"Jerome!" He exclaimed for the thousandth time as I placed the phone on the little round couch in the closet.

"Yes?" I groaned, looking through the socks drawer for some socks.

"I'm assigning you another job."

I froze. At the sound of the words, I just… froze. At first, I didn't know if he actually said that, but as he let the silence speak for itself, I realized he was serious. My blood cooled, my heart stopped and my brain gave a little error there. All I could do was blink, refusing to believe it.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, glancing over my shoulder at the phone, "I don't think I got that right."

"You did get it right," he sighed, "I don't know what's up with you. I honestly don't. Ever since Piper kicked you out, you've been acting hella off, but you did the jobs and you did them right. This job? It's been already a month, Jer. A whole fucking month since you are there and there is no progress! Your reports are so fucking vague, I doubt you even know something about the damned target, let alone fucking killed the man!" He paused, then added flatly, "You're distracted. And I want to know why, even if I already have a fucking feeling."

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