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You came home from the store opening the door seeing boxes scattered everywhere.

"Y/N! I know it's a short notice, but make sure to go pack up your stuff!" My dad exclaimed while packing up the kitchen utensils.

"On it." You responded annoyed. You were used to moving, you've never settled down at a place for more than a year.

You walked up to your room, and placed your book bag on the ground. You saw empty boxes had already been placed in your room. You kneeled down opening up the boxes and sighed. You walked over to your closet grabbing your clothing.

"Hm.." I looked over at my desk which consisted of my laptop, a couple journals, figurines and a photo book. I got up, and walked over to my desk picking up the photo book. You flipped through all the photos recalling all the wonderful memories you'd experienced. You stopped on your ex-best friend. Alexa you smiled.

"If only you stayed." You whispered dragging your finger across the picture.

You put the book down on your table, and proceeded to bring the box next to your table. you picked up the book again, gently placing it inside the box.

"Y/N! We're leaving tomorrow morning make sure you're all set!" Father yelled.

"Okay!" You yell back.

I wonder if i'll be able to make friends.

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