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I grabbed Chaeyoungs arm, and tried picking her up. This bitch was my only way home. I saw that she had a nose bleed, and a couple scrapes from hitting the pavement. Fuck it I guess. I tried walking as fast as I could to the parking lot, and looked around for her car.

"There..." I whispered walking over to her car. I opened the backseats door, and placed her inside. I sat in the back with her, and placed her legs over mine. I sighed, and stared at her. I noticed she wasn't unconscious she was just crying silently. She sat up, and looked at me.

"I'm so s-orry," She choked. I tapped her knee, and nodded.

"It's okay... Are you uh alright?" She looked away.

"Why do you care..." she whispered.

"Is it bad that I care?" I responded. She nodded yes.

"Why would you care about someone who constantly hurts you?" She said covering her face. I ignored her question, and decided to drive.

"You don't even have a license what are you do-" "It's fine, I just won't get caught. Duh." I started up the car.

"To your house we go." I said taking the car off parked mode.

"I know this is gonna be weird as fuck, but can I please stay at your house for a bit. I-I don't really feel like going b-" you raised your hand cutting her off,

"It's cool, you don't need to explain. How do I turn on those like rain cleaner wings?" You asked referring to the windshield wipers. She let out a little giggle.

"There's like a stick pointing out from the side of the car wheel, you turn the knob, and they should turn on to clear up the rain droplets." She explained. I nodded, and saw the stick I twisted the knob activating them.


I pulled into my driveway this time, and opened the backdoor. I stuck my hand in offering her help to get out. We walked into my house, and of course my dad was out. She stood at the entrance awkwardly. I turned back to look at her, and she looked away.

"Go dry yourself, you can use my rooms bathroom. Just go upstairs, and take the door to the right." She nodded and shuffled past me, and jogged up the stairs. I went to the downstairs bathroom, and dried myself up. Afterwards I walked upstairs to my room, and went to grab a change of clothes. I opened the door, and saw Chaeyoung in a towel. I let out the loudest scream. I fell over.

"I'm sorry I- I forgot you were in here," I stuttered.

     "It's fine I'm in a towel, it's not like I'm naked" she pointed at her towel. You got up quickly, nodding in agreement. You walked over to your closet picking out clothing to give to her. She took the change of clothes, and walked into the bathroom. You walked back to your closet getting another set of clothes for yourself. You jogged back to the downstairs bathroom to get changed, and that you did. Once you finished getting dressed you ran back upstairs to your room seeing Chaeyoung sitting on your bed using your phone.

    "What the hell are you doing?" You asked walking over to her. She quickly put your phone down, and sat up to face you.

     "Your phone buzzed, and I r-read it." She stated.

     "Oh, uh who was it from?" You raised your eyebrows.

     "Your dad..." She looked worried. I put my hand out to have her give me my phone. You put it into your pocket without checking the message. Chaeyoung sighed, and puffed up her cheeks.

     "What are you doin-" "Shut up I'm trying not to cry" Chaeyoung whispered throwing her head back, I put my arm around her. 

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