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     "He's in the hospital, he got into a car accident. He's severely injured." They stated.

     "Oh." you whispered.

     "You can visit him at any time. He-" You hung up the phone without letting the person finish.

You got up, and went to turn on the rooms lights. You saw Chaeyoung staring at you, you nodded sadly at her, and walked out. You went to the park across the street. You went over to the little pond in the park. You sat there swishing your hand back and forth through the water. You took your phone out shaking a bit, and scrolled through your contacts stopping at a specific persons name. 

     "Fuck you, Alexa." You cried recalling everything that had just taken place, and over things that had happened in the past. You heard steps coming from behind you. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and picking me up from the ground. 

     "What happened? Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked me, turning me around to face her. I tried to push her away, but she wouldn't let go. I finally escaped from her embrace, but I only managed to fall to the ground. She put her hand out, and helped me up.

     "C'mon..." She whispered, and guided me back home. Once we got to my house she brought me up to my room, and shut the door behind her. She spread her arms. 

     "C'mere" she whispered. I looked down, and I heard her scoff. I looked up at her, and her expression had changed.

    "Am I annoying you or something?" She asked crossing her arms.

     "If I am just tell me to get out." She said.

I gave no response, I just stared at her.

     "Do you want me to leave, y/n?" She asked in a harsher tone.

You shrugged, and she nodded walking out of your room.

     "Alright, see you at school then y/n. I'll remember this." Chaeyoung stated slamming the door shut. You went to lay down on your bed to think about what just happened.


Your alarm went off, and you got up. You yawned, and got ready for everything. This time Chaeyoung wasn't waiting out front. You looked out your window seeing that her car was still parked in your driveway. You raised an eyebrow, and ran downstairs to get a head start so you wouldn't be late for school, since today you had to walk.


Once you arrived at school you made sure to avoid any type of eye contact. You got to math class, and sat in your seat. You looked over to an empty seat. You looked away and saw a girl standing in front of you.

     "Hi y/n it's Lalisa! from yesterday! remember me? I don't have this class, but I saw you walk in and wanted to check up on you!" You nodded, and waved.

     "Hey Lisa, what exactly did you mean check up on me?" you asked.

She rubbed the back of her neck, and looked away. She turned back to you with a worried expression.

     "Y-your uh dad, word got out and I just wanted to kn-" you raised your hand to stop her from finishing. You nodded.

     "Yeah I'm managing." You whispered looking away. The bell rang which marked the beginning of class, Lisa pat my head and left. 

     "Alright class! Everyone settle down, also y/n a moment with you outside please!" You nodded your head, and got up following the teacher out of the classroom. She shut the door, and sighed.

     "The other teachers and I are aware of the whole situation. You know what I mean, and the school has decided to give you a two week break so you have time to go check up on him, and so you'll have time to get yourself settled down properly." My teacher stated with a small smile. I thanked her, and she gave me permissions to go home. I walked back into the classroom to collect all of my items, and made sure to collect everything from my locker as well. I walked down the hall, and bumped into the same guy from yesterday. His name was... Jimin. He tapped my shoulder, and gave me my keychain. It was a little egg. He winked, and left with no explanation. I walked out of the school, and started walking home.


I heard footsteps following behind me, I turned around meeting eyes with her.

     "Y/n it's been so long!" She screamed arms wide open. I turned back around quickening my pace to get home. 

     "Y/n please I'm sorry, you know you still miss me." In fact I did miss her, I missed her a lot. I literally dreamed about her the other day. I cringed thinking about it. I stopped walking which allowed her to catch up to me.

     "Alexa, please get away from me." you decided to start walking again, but she grabbed your arm preventing you from doing so.

     "You're so pathetic, look at you. Blushing, and all. I knew you liked me, and I know you still do." She whispered. You stayed silent, and shut your eyes looking down at the pavement. 

     "I mean I did have feelings for you, you were really attractive, and you still are. You just kind of turned into this burden, and I just honestly couldn't put up with you." She smiled at me.

     "I- I" I looked to the side.

     "You what?" She asked mockingly. 

    "I... I have a girlfriend." You shouted looking up at the sky.

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