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The bell rang. I'm gonna cry. I looked down at my schedule to check what class I had to go to class next. Oh, lunch. I got up, and walked out of the empty classroom opening the door to the red-haired girl and Chaeyoung of course. Ass. 

     "Alright, idiot lets go." she grabbed my arm pulling me away harshly.

     " Rosé be careful." The red-haired girl exclaimed slapping chaeyoungs hand.

She groaned, and turned to face the shorter girl letting go of me.

     "Seulgi, I cannot deal with you right now." She stated pointing at her."

     "Okay, well obviously she doesn't like you. Don't be so harsh." She stated which caused Chaeyoung to roll her eyes. She nodded grabbing my arm more aggressively then she had the first time. 

     "Can you liked l-loosen your grip." I said looking at her.

She stopped, and pushed me up against a locker. I grabbed her arm trying to make her let go of me. Seulgi ran up to Chaeyoung asking her to let go of you. Chaeyoung let go of you, but pushed you down to the ground, and began to choke you. Seulgi tried to pull her off, of you. She was unsuccessful. The fact that literally everyone is in the damn lunchroom is surprising. She still had her hands clasped around my neck. 

     "You're fucking c-crazy." I stated before blacking out.


I woke up in a closet I assume, a janitors closet to be exact. I saw two people staring at me.

     "You're awake! Oh my god are you okay?" They said in sync. Why couldn't they just take me to the damn nurses office. 

     "You remember me right (she pointed at herself), Seulgi?" She smiled. She pointed at the girl next to her "Irene." She smiled even more. I nodded, and got up slowly. 

     "Why didn't uh.. you two just take me to the nurse." My eyes widened, I took my phone out realized school was about to end. I just missed all my classes. I ran out of the closet, as soon as I stepped out I saw Chaeyoung sitting on the ground. The bell rung, and loads of people filled the hallway. I noticed a dude pushing through the crowd while making eye-contact with me. I looked away, and saw Chaeyoung still sitting on the ground. She looked up seeing him, and she quickly got up.

     "Hey new girl," He said bopping his head towards me. He placed his hand on my shoulder, Chaeyoung walked over to me and pulled me away aggressively. I turned back, and saw him wink at me.

    "Jimin." He stated.

     "Hey, let go of me." I said to her.

She nodded letting me know that she had declined. We took a turn down the hall, and entered a room. 

     "S-school's over..." I whispered. I looked around and saw a rather old looking piano with a stack on papers on it. Chaeyoung sighed, and sat down on the couch that was here without any explanation. Looks dirty. I walked over to the piano, and sat down turning to face her.

    "Hey why did y-" 

     "Shut up." She stated.

     "I'll go wait for you in the car." She got up, and left.

I turned back around facing the stack of papers. I looked around, I felt a little odd but I decided to pick them up.


I am Park Chaeyoung,

This is like a diary type thing I guess, I don't know. I need to get things like off my shoulder so I figured this might help a bit. First things first, I like girls. I'm scared of getting kicked out, and it hurts living like this. 


I decided to tell my parents about my sexuality. I told my mom first, I thought she'd be more accepting. Turns out she's a total bitch, she told my dad. Now they're talking about kicking me out. My dad called me a disgrace, not to my face of course, but in private to my mother.


They both agreed to kick me out of the house, I hate living. I just wish someone cared about me, and held me. I wish someone just could be there for me. I deserve it I guess.


It's been a while that I've been living with the people who decided to take me in, they're nice people, but I hate it here. I also heard rumors around school that a new girl is heading over here. I hope I'll be able to get along with her, well if the rumors are true of course.


Well she's almost here, her name is y/n. She's in my class, at least that what our teacher said.


Why do I keep hurting her.


Why am I lik

The sentence cut off. I stained the page with tears. I heard footsteps coming my way, the door slammed wide open. I tried putting the papers back but failed miserably and fell off the chair which caused the papers to fly everywhere. 

     "Oh fuck," You said looking up at Chaeyoung who looked mad.

She picked you up from the ground, and pulled you out of the room. You grabbed onto her trying to make her let go of you. 

     "Why'd you read them." She said bringing me to the schools entrance. Shit it's pouring.

She let go of me, and started crying. She left me at the entrance and walked away. To her car I assume. I turned to see her walking away from me I felt someone bump into me.

     "Hey watch whe- OH NEW GIRL?" this girl asked. I nodded.

     "I'm Lalisa" She smiled. I smiled back bopping my head in response.

     "Hey by the way, have you seen Rosé anywhere? I haven't seen her much ever since you moved here..." She said looking around

     "Who?" I responded

     "Uh, Rosé?" She said confused.

     "I have no Idea who you're talking about." I whispered.

     "OH RIGHT RIGHT, Chaeyoung!" She said.

     "Hmm no..." I lied.

     "You know what y/n... I have a feeling she likes you." She smirked raising an eyebrow.

     "I just moved he-" "And? I mean you're pretty it wouldn't be hard to automatically started liking you, and plus she's always staring at you during class." She said clapping her hands.

     "I'm sure that's because she hates me." I said looking away. She laughed.

     "No she doesn't weirdo, and y/n a group of friends, and I are heading out for Ice-cream tomorrow wanna come?" She asked smiling.

     "Sure." I said.

     "Awesome!" She exclaimed walking out of the school with her umbrella. "Try inviting Rosé please! I wanna watch her drool over you! Bye!" She shouted. I waved, and she hopped into a taxi which was waiting for her. I heard fast footsteps, and noticed Chaeyoung running towards me. I moved out of the way which caused her to fall. I was waiting for her to get up, but she just laid there. I dropped to the ground shaking Chaeyoung trying to wake her up.

a/n; So I'm currently working to get the chapters caught up. It won't take too long due to the fact that I already have in mind what I'm going to do. Thanks have a fabulous day 😏😏😏😏 

p.s; I'm gonna go back soon to like uh review my grammar, and spelling. maybe, maybe not 

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