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She finally pulled up to my house dropping me off.

     "Thank you..." I whispered while nodding my head up and down.

I saw her wave her hand shooing me away from her car. I sighed shutting her door shut and watched her pull into her houses driveway. I spun around walking heading into my home. As I was facing my homes door I realized the door was cracked open. I slowly approached my door. I entered the room meeting a familiar face. No, why now. How is she even here I... I turned to look at my dad who was grabbing his keys. I stared at Alexa, and she stared back smirking at me. She got closer pushing me up against the door. I started breathing heavily. I put my hands up to her chest, pushing her away.

    "What are you doing?" I yelled while looking to the side.

Alexa started playing with her hands, and walked backwards taking a seat on the couch. She rubbed her face letting out a loud sigh. She looked at me cracking her knuckles while nodding.

     "Look y/n I'm sorry for what I did, but this whole 'girlfriend' act won't work on me." She stated sinking into the couch while smiling.

I looked at her, raising my eyebrows. She nodded laughing.

     "Get out." I stated pointing at my front door.

I turned to open my door.


Chaeyoung fell as I opened the door. I helped her up. Once she got up she walked over to Alexa grabbing her by the collar. She threw her to the ground. All I could do was stare at the two fighting. Why was she even here. I snapped back to reality as I saw Chaeyoung getting pinned to the ground, bleeding from her nose.

     "Who even are you?" Alexa asked gasping for air.

The tall brunette gave no response. The silence in the room grew uncomfortable as the two stared at each other. Chaeyoung started shaking, and pushed Alexa off of her.

     "Motherfucker." She whispered.

     "Huh?" Alexa responded getting up quickly.

The living room was becoming a mess. I saw Alexa raising her clenched fists aiming them at Chaeyoung who was still trying to get up. You quickly ran over to the hurt girl wrapping your arms around her, and moved her out of the way. This caused Alexa's hits to miss. She scowled looking over at the two of you. You had placed yourself in front of an almost unconscious Rosé.

     "Get out!" You screamed at Alexa as you got up.

She walked over to you, and stood in front of you. She shoved you to the side, and picked up Chaeyoung by the collar. Chaeyoung weakly placed her hands on the girls arms in an attempt to remove them from her collar. You got up bolting towards Alexa knocking her into your living room table. This stupid bitch just broke the table. You pinned her arms down, and noticed she'd started crying.

     "M-my leg y/n" She said squirming around.

I looked down at her leg which of course caught me off-guard which gave her the chance to throw me off her. She got up walking over to Chaeyoung who was still struggling on the ground. She picked her up again pinning her against the wall. Chaeyoung laughed.

     "Why are you laughing?" Alexa exclaimed slamming her against my wall.

I got up with a limp, and wrapped my arms around Alexa's waist. I pulled her away in an attempt to get her off of Chaeyoung, but she ended up pushing me to the ground. She stared at me while I sat on the ground. I looked up, and saw Chaeyoung raising her fist. She jabbed Alexa in the throat which made her let go of Chaeyoung. You crawled over to Chaeyoung and pulled her into your arms, her eyes were shut. All you did was stare at Alexa choking while caressing Chaeyoung. You gently put down her head, and got up walking towards Alexa. You pushed her out of the house, and you quickly locked the door. You ran back to the unconcious girl on the floor. You pulled her onto the couch, and ran to the bathroom looking for the med-kit.

     "Aha here it is." You whispered to yourself.

You held the box in your hands unlatching it open. You put it down on the kitchen counter, and grabbed a broom in an attempt to clean up the broken shards from the table. You cleaned up most of it, and ran back over to the med-kit bringing it back over to Chaeyoung. You opened it up, and took out the little alcohol wipes cleaning up the blood that stained her face. You unziped her jack a bit to clean the wounds where the glass had cut through. After you finished bandaging her wounds, you walked up to your room grabbing a blanket for Chaeyoung. You covered her up, and afterwards you started treating your own wounds. You looked at the broken table, and sighed.
n/a: same chapters from the older book 🦶😕🦶

edit; never mind I removed something.

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