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After driving for a bit Chaeyoung let out a shaky sigh. She ended up pulling over, and quickly brought her hands up to her face, cupping her cheeks.

     "Y/N..." She whispered. 

I stared at her, and waited for her to look up at me. She didn't move, she stayed in the same position. 

     "Hm..." She sighed again. 

     "A-Are you okay?" I asked in a hushed voice.

     "y/n I..." She looked up at me. 

She shifted a bit in order to face me properly. She stared at me, and then continued to cup my face taking me by surprise.

     "Hey what are you doing?" I gasped putting my hands on her arms.
She stared at me, and I noticed her lip quiver into a smile. A sweet smile. This is new, and weird to say the least.

-Take into consideration that italics is just like brain thoughts blah blah-

She started moving closer. Is this really happening. You pushed her away blushing. Chaeyoung let go quickly looking away from you.

     "Y/n I'm sorry I..." Chaeyoung whispered still looking away. 

You stared at her waiting for her to turn her head. 

     "About what?.. exactly." You responded harshly.

She looked over at you, and quickly looked away noticing that you were staring at her.

"Just for everything. I've caused so much t-trouble for y-" Chaeyoung stopped midway of her sentence shaking her head. "Huh, what am......" She whispered to herself, the rest was inaudible.

"What? I couldn't hear that," You stated.

"Oh, it's nothing," Chaeyoung laughed. 

She looked up at you, and put her hands on the wheel. She shook her head side to side, she removed her hands from the wheel and placed them on her head. She stopped the motion, and placed her hands back on the wheel taking one more glance at your face with a dead expression. She nodded at you, and started pulling out of the parking space. 

"Who is Alexa to you anyway?" Chaeyoung asked, while speeding up. 

I stayed silent avoiding the question. She ran a red light. I looked at her, and noticed a tear going down her eye. 

"CHAE SLOW DOWN." I exclaimed. 

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Maybe, I don't know anymore y/n," She responded in a monotone voice. You stared at the road, and noticed she started slowing down. I took my hand of her shoulder, and positioned myself back into a comfortable position. why is she acting like this anyway. I took a quick glance at her, and soon after looked away. weird.

n/a: also the exact same chapter from the other one 🟥🟦🟪🟩

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