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𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝
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The letter crumpled between your fingers, your grasp becoming too tight for the fragile thing. Your angered steps echoed through the empty hallways as you made your way to the main throne room, bursting through the door despite your butler's worried cries.

"What is the meaning of this?!" you seethed, waving the pale paper towards the two lone figures in the room. A heavy sigh resonated from your father as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

"[Y/N], you are of age to be married. Of course we had to choose a suitable groom for you--"

"I know that!" you cut him off. "But that isn't what I'm talking about. Out of all the kingdoms we have alliances with, you picked this one?!"

"They made us an offer, [Y/N]. You know that we must do what we can to protect out kingdom!" your mother spoke next, furrowing her brows in worry. She glanced at her husband, who's lips were set in a firm, solemn line.

"And you must know that each of those six princes are utterly useless when it comes to ruling a kingdom! Why do you think none of them have been married off yet?"

"[Y/N], that's enough." your father stood from his throne, straightening his regal robes as he offered his wife a hand, carrying her down the set of high steps and heading for the door you had entered through, sweeping past you. You spluttered, the letter forgotten in your palm as you hardened your hold.

"But father--!"

"There is nothing else to discuss!"

The annoyed tone of your father's words hung in the air dangerously, like icicles waiting to drop.

"By now, one of the Matsuno sextuplets will have been chosen and is being sent here for twelve months. You will behave yourself and treat him as your future husband, and that, is, it. There is nothing you can do to change anyone's minds."

He turned to you, eyes full of stern resolution, locking onto your horrified glare.

"Am I understood?"

He didn't move an inch as you stayed silent, lowering your head as you spat out the words through gritted teeth.

"...Yes, father."

You burned holes through the ground as your parents walked away, the final closing of the doors telling you that you were completely and utterly alone. You grasped the letter between both hands, ripping it apart in a fit of bubbling anger, the fragmented remains scattering across the marble floors.

Storming away to your room, skirts raised above the ground so they wouldn't slow you down any further, thought after thought trickled to your mind, only serving to fuel the fire growing in the pit of your stomach.

Akatsuka Kingdom. Known for its power, as well as the rare phenomena that was the six princes, all identical sextuplets who were born into the royal family. Many thought they would assist the kingdom in growing stronger, using their princely wits and charms to raise their power.

Instead, they all became well known for their immense stupidity and lack of interest in becoming King and inheriting the throne from their parents, let alone marrying into a wealthy royal family, such as your own.

You slammed your bedroom doors shut, breathing heavily. Now, somehow, you were destined to marry one of them? Was this fate's cruel way of messing up your future? Slowly, you reached a hand up to the tiara resting haphazardly on your head, removing it and holding it to your eyes. The jewels encrusted into the gold linings reflected your scowl back at you, distorted and warped hideously.

From a young age, your mind had matured a lot quicker than your body. You were more interested in learning about how to be a perfect ruler than the other snobby royals and lords you had met over the years. You had always longed to find someone of the same mindset, in hopes that they would aid you in strengthening your own kingdom.

But now, everything was falling apart right in front of you, and you apparently had no say in the matter.

The tiara fell from your fingers, rolling across the ground with a clatter. You didn't care where it was. You slid down against the door, head cradled in your hands.

What would you do now? What now? What now? What. Now?

The answer seemed obvious, too obvious at first.

You raised your head, glaring at empty air, barely registering how dark the room had become. The setting sun glinted dangerously through your windows, lighting up your eyes in a raging fire that had suddenly exploded from withing you.

You couldn't cancel the wedding. But no one ever said that they couldn't. All you had to do was keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing, all the way to their breaking point. Then they would leave, and you would be at peace. You would have him gone no sooner than he arrives.

A malicious grin crossed your lips as you carefully stood up, picking up your tiara off of the ground. You twirled the headpiece between your fingers, the dark shadows in the dimly lit room casting a sinister aura over your form.

You huffed a silent chuckle. It was ironic, really. Your kingdom was known for its everlasting beauty, filled to the brim with flowers and greenery that attracted others like a bee to its nectar. However, it's as the old saying goes...

"Every rose has its thorns."

「𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ⇀ 𝑲.𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒐」Where stories live. Discover now