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The three followed Kirishima into the forest, him being the only one who somewhat knew their way around the island.

"So how long have you been on the island Kiri?" Mina asked him as she walked behind him, looking around at the scenery.

"No idea actually, probably for more than a week" he answered as he shrugged, him nor Bakugou made a way to count the days.

"A week with that angry Pomeranian must've been tough, I would've swam away on the first day" Kaminari said as he walked with his arms up. His nickname for the blond pirate got a chuckle out of the redhead.

Sero nodded, "or tie him up when he's asleep for safety"

The pinkette turned to look at Kiri, "how did you survive with him?" She asked him since it doesn't look like he was injured, minus the pink scar above his eye.

His head tilted as he walked, "we just kinda hung out, he did try to make me make a boat but that was the only time he actually tried to order me" he answered as he thought back to the beginning of surviving on the island, a soft smile appearing on his lips.

"Yo redhead, you're passing the fruit" Sero's voice called out to him, snapping him out of the memories.

Kirishima turned around to see the three standing next to the banana tree a few feet away. He awkwardly laughed as he walked back to them.

Kaminari looked up to the tree, "shouldn't be hard to climb" he rolled up his sleeves as he got ready to climb it.

"Whoa hold up, there's an easier way to getting the bananas" Kirishima said as he grabbed the yellow haired teen's arm, stopping him from climbing.

"I don't see a rope or ladder" Mina said as the trio looked around the tree, seeing what he meant by an easier way.

Kirishima let go of his arm and walked up next to the tree, he cupped his hands around his mouth and started to make sounds of that of a monkey. The trio looked at him in confusion as he called up to the tree.

Kaminari leaned closed to the other two with a hand over his mouth, "I think he lost it" he whispered to them, them slowly nodding their heads in agreement.

Sounds of rustling above them got the trio out of their confused state and put them on their guard. They looked up to only have their mouths fall open, there was a monkey on the tree branch by the bananas!?

The monkey and Kirishima exchanged conversation while the trio watched bewildered. Kirishima than gave the monkey two thumbs up before ending their conversation, he than put his arms in a cradle position. Before anyone could say anything, bananas were dropped into his arms!

"The hell!?" The trio reacted the same as they witnessed a deal of some sorts.

The redhead gave them a toothy grin as he walked up to the trio with now an armful of bananas, "cool right?"

Kaminari and Sero blinked as three tried to process what had just happened.

"Did we just witness a banana deal?" Mina questioned as she looked up to see the monkey waving at them before disappearing into the trees.

Kirishima laughed, "they're fine, happened to come across them when getting food one day and I happen to speak monkey so they help me get food and I promise to keep the loud human away" he chuckled as he remembered the first time he encountered the primate.

Sero shook his head, gaining back his smile as he scratched the back of his head, "least that saves us the trouble of climbing, now we can get back to the ship" he said as he started to turn around.

Kaminari groaned, "but we just got back on laaand" he complained as he pouted as he slowly turned around. His response making Mina and Kirishima laugh.

"You know" Kirishima said, getting the pinkette's attention, "I think I'm going to have fun with you guys" he said outloud as he gave the girl a kind smile.

'My heart!' Mina thought as she gripped her clothes on her chest, memorized by the appearance of the redhead. She ran over behind him and grabbed him by his shoulders, "welcome to the crew Kirishima! We can't wait to have you!" She told him as se pushed him toward the two that were waiting for them in the slight distance.

"Whoa don't make me drop the bananas" Kirishima told her but it was on deaf ears.

Sero smiled as the two came up to them, "we'll make sure nothing happens to you"

"Not on our watch anyways" Kaminari finished the black haired teen's sentence as he leaned on his shoulder, giving the redhead a smile.

Kirishima turned his head to look at all three of them, something in him was telling him that these three's words were true. He could feel his eyes slowly start to tear up as a familiar feeling erupted throughout his body.


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