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Kirishima got away from the door as fast as he can. Looking around, he tries to find a spot to hide before the door opened. Seeing the stairs leading to the upper part. He grabs the bucket and rag and ran to it. Planning on look like he was cleaning it.

Right as he sat on the stairs. The door opened. Revealing a guy with scars on his neck and one on his lip. Blue hair that covered his eyes. Piercing red eyes looking around.

Kirishima snaps his gaze away when the strange guy looked his way. Sweat dripping down his neck as he 'wiped' the steps. He felt the gaze burning the side of his side.

Few minutes went by before the guy turned back and closed the door behind him. The redhead released the breath he was holding. Relieved that he didn't get caught.

What would've happened? Thrown off the ship? No, they were still at the dock. Stabbed? More likely than anything.

Time Passed By

The sun was slowly setting. Kirishima had tried to talk to some of the people on the boat. Got turned down, pushed away, an even got some colorful words thrown his way. Doesn't look like he was liked by anyone.

The door opened with a bang. Everyone turned their heads to look. The guy from earlier walked out, "the captain comes" he said in a creepy way, but only Kirishima thought that. The blue head than gestures towards the door.

Bakugou than soon walks out. Looking smug as ever. He stops in the middle of the ship. Hands on his hips, "fuckers" he greets them. Letting it go silence for a bit, probably for dramatic effect. He than lifts his hand and punches the air, "we got a lead!" he yells with a cocky smile.

Everyone around Kirishima started to cheer loud. Confused with what the captain meant.

Said male lowers his arm and points at everyone, "dawn, we set sail for Skull Island!" he tells them. More cheering erupted. He than turned around and walked over to the blue haired guy. Whispering something into his ear. The guy nods when he was done talking.

Bakugou than goes back inside, probably to rest. Blue haired made his way to Kirishima. Making the guy nervous. Did Bakugou catch him?

He stood in front of the redhead. A creepy smile on his face, "captain wanted me to show you to your sleeping quarters" he informs him. There was an odd feeling in Kirishima's stomach, something about this guy seemed off. Not knowing what to say, he just nods.

Going to the hatch near the door, blue haired opened it and gestures Kirishima down it. The feeling got worse. Gulping slightly, he went down it.

It was hard to see. One or two lanterns lit the room. There seemed to be fabrics hanging around the room. "This is where you'll sleep, with everyone else" he informed him from behind. Surprising the redhead. He places a hand on his shoulder, "rest well" he tells him. Kirishima nods, "night" he said softly.

The guy removes his hand and turns around. Heading back up to the deck. Kirishima stood there as he waits for the hatch to close. Which happens a few minutes later.

God that guy was so creepy!

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