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A young girl of six has woken up to her parents calling her for breakfast and she heads towards them once she was done in the bathroom mkaing her to see her smiling face parents as she walks into her father's arms still tired, but awake enough though really.

Well, awake enough to give simple answers to them as she knows she was diagnosed as «Quirkless», but her parents didn't care and made it a family and friend party only as their little girl is now six-years-old really.

Her childhood friend/playmate was there with his parents and he noticed she was still a bit tired, but didn't want to be rude to the guest mkaing him to let her take a nap on his lap making her to fully accidentally call him 'onii-chan'.

Which everyone heard and he had a red face which his mother was quick to capture and promised copies to her friend making her son to glare at his own mother, but he wouldn't move as he looks back down towards her.

She was sleeping with her face towards his stomach and she has a small pretty face as she gently breaths in and out making him to blush a bit, but didn't stop himself from gently rubbing her head making her to curl into his stomach more.

It's making him to gently smile at her as she looks like an angel really. She woke up an hour later and was now more awake making her to enjoy the games and her presents. Then the door was bashed open and man walked in with guns.

It was making the many parents to hide their kids behind them to protect them making her to wonder what is going on as she calls out to her father who smiles to her and says he'll handle it as his daughter's birthday won't be ruined by them.

He asked them what they want as he has his hands up to keep everything calm and they only said him dead. Her father's head rolls over to her after another man enters the house with a scythe and she screams.

It was making her to glow blue before it back lashed onto her mother as she has scars on her right side and she has passed out with the head in her inventory making her to not noticed until it is too late.

She was waking up in the hospital where she looks around before she saw the doctors were telling her mother, her childhood friend/playmate and his parents what had fully happened to her really.

"This is rare case of «Quirk Factor Shockness» or just «QFS» for short really. She caused her «Quirk Factor» to go into shock which had forcible placed her own «Quirks» which were dormant to go into shock themselves.

The only problem is that she should be dead dead from this and yet she's still alive. I dare say she has the deities love on her side if she's still alive. I'll warn you this once. She goes into this state once more, and she'll be unlikely to survive it again."

"DEKU!" Her childhood friend/playmate noticed her awake and ran to her as she holds his hand as she sees nothing, but a bit of blurriness making the doctor to notice and explain it's from the medicine and it'll clear up tomorrow morning.

It's making her to nod before curling into her childhood friend/playmate's hand and went back to sleep making the doctor to pick her friend up and both curled into each other and slept as she feels safe right now.

She wears a black dress that's might for a human sized doll version of her age with black shoes, leggings and gloves while her hair is up in a high bun with a black vile over her face with it being attached to a small girl hat.

She holds her friend's hand as she needs the comfort like both his parents is doing to her mother. He didn't mind as she was trying to hold back her tears and hides her face into his neck. He squeezed her hand as he let's her cry onto his shoulder.

This is not something his friend should have seen really on her birthday. He stayed over for two weeks while her mother made apology cards to the guest for what had happened and hoped the children are alright.

It took two months for her to be alright to go to school and her friend had brought her homework over to do making her to still be able to catch up to the other kids really. What the doctor said about the deities loving her was true.

It happened a second time. This time around, she accidentally had her «Quirk Factor» go into shock was when her mother was murdered in front of her when she was nine-years-old. They got kidnapped and she was beat around.

Her mother used her secondary Quirk to defend her before she was tossed into the wall and saw her mother through slowly closing eyes having her head cut off making her eyes to be wide open and she screams a blood curding scream.

The same glow shows up and she doesn't see anything, but pitch blackness and the flash backs of both her parents being beheaded making her to scream awake after her three year coma making her friend to hold her as she cries for her parents.

It's making the nurse to shoot medication into her to calm her down and called the doctor in as her mother's head was missing from the body like her father's head was still missing. She was told of her half-uncle and that he has full custody of her.

And that he sent a game over for her to play in to help get rid of her many whacked emotions very healthy without leaving the hospital until she was better and her friend said he'll see her there before he left.

She couldn't handle the reality of her parents not being there for her and that she can't stand it anymore making her to feel sick in the stomach and heart. Her uncle was a bit busy with work and can't come see her in person really.

 He had his lawyer to explain what he had done with her mother's body, how much money both had and are placed inside of a account for her to use as he also made sure it was invested in heavily to increase the numbers.

It's so she doesn't have to worry about money until she is a bit more older making her to nod as he had it recorded for her to see her mother's burial and he speech about his older half-sister. She went into «SAO» and he got her stuck quick really.

He made sure she can use her «Quirks» and he warned the hospital and that there, she'll be safe to use it as he made a area to use them there for anyone with a newly awaken «Quirk» to use them there as long as they don't hurt anyone in the area.

He wasn't going to be losing his niece cause of this and he told his lawyer that he'll do as his niece says as he plans to die in the game and will look after her inside the game as he needs to be there for her now really.

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