Summer Camp part 2 and Izumi's kidnapped

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Izumi has blood adopted Kota Izumi making him to have her green hair color as highlights with blue tips and a bit longer hair with Elf ears making him to look more cute as his baby fat is gone mostly to bring out his face more really.

Keiko helps him learn how to use the «Gamer: Party Member Quirk» which was giving to him as well, too making him to have a lot of moves and get stats for a beginner making Keiko to help him out really making him to thank his elder sister.

Kirito and Asuna went on a date making Aizawa to leave them be as he was told by note making him to sigh as they did tell him, but he wished he got it sooner as he was looking for them really. Aizawa saw the barrier and had noticed Izumi's tireness the moment it went up making him to worry.

'No taking on burdens by yourself, problem child.' Aizawa was fully worried as Izumi protecting the whole camp site like this with it burred ten inches into the ground, she's going to be getting tired rapidly making him to warn Kirito and Asuna really.

Izumi looks better now and now Aizawa noticed Kirito, Asuna and Keiko is helping with the barrier making him to wonder why until he saw blue fire and the barrier being hit on by something making him to now know why as no one can get in and out without Izumi's permission.

Lots of «Pro-Heroes» that are «SAO» Survivors showed up and had fully whooped ass as the «League of Villains Guild» had to leave as they didn't expect this sort of response to their attack making them to know «Will-O-Wisp Queen» told them about it.

Tomura was angry as they can't get to Izumi really and have her join them as she's a waste as a «Heroine» making him to think of something before he had Kurogiri test if he can teleport inside of the barrier and he can do that, but he becomes fully weak really.

Izumi and the others were getting stronger as Kota will be going home with her, Keiko, Kirito and Asuna making him to smile as he can't wait making Izumi to know that Eri, Yui and Strea are all fully going to be happy to having a brother really.

Without a warning, Kurogiri showed up and grabbed Izumi in front of everyone as takes her away making Keiko to hold Kota and Aizawa ordered everyone to stay where they are, but Asuna told him to not bother as Izumi is tough and a couple of «Heroes» fully already knows her location.


"Who do you think runs the «Agency» named «Lothlorien Guild»? A couple of «Pro-Heroes» was inside and one runs it until Izumi has her «Pro-Heroine» License really, so they know and are going to go deal with them. So just stay and watch the show!" Kirito said as a screen shows up and they saw Izumi with the «League of Villain Guild».

With Izumi...

Izumi was pissed and she saw Tomura and Kurogiri with some new faces making her to frown as she has a gag on her face and it's not going to be coming off soon making her to see what Tomura wants making him to walk up towards her really.

"Hard to get to you thanks to that stupid barrier. You're a waste of a «Heroine» and much better as a «Villainess», Izumi Midoriya. Join the «League of Villains»." Izumi sighs as she shakes her head fully before she bashed her head right against the chair fully and she got the gag of her face.

"Finally got that off my face!" She then glares harshly at them all really.

"One) You don't kidnap a person if you're going to invite them to join as that makes them feel like they don't have a choose in the matter in the beginning, idiots! Two) I'm a «Heroine» already since I saved a lot of lives from inside of «SAO» really.

Three) I'm a mother of five children and I'm not going to be abandoning them just to join you morons. Four) I rather die than join you and five) you messed with the wrong girl to kidnap." Just as she finished, the build start to shake making her to smirk as Klein shows up.

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