The Travel

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1996 -Lyra-

For other people, it was like any other day. Wake up, go to classes, have food, go to bed. But For Lyra Lupin-Black and Harry Potter, their's was fairly similar but knowing them, it was defiantly not how it was going to go. Maybe they will do it, just maybe not in the same...year. 

"Harry love, it's time to wake up and I would rather not be late for Slughorns class," Lyra said waking up her boyfriend.

"Mmh, yeah okay. I'll meet you down in the common room in fifteen," Harry said into his pillow. Lyra knew very well that he would not come down. She got out her wand and blasted water straight into his face, which sure woke him up. "What the bloody hell was that for?"

"I'll meet you down in the common room in fifteen. Love you," She kissed his cheek and left.

Twenty minutes later Harry came down. "I was almost going to have to leave without you," Lyra said climbing out of the portrait hole. "And now we only have ten minutes to eat, you know that I have to eat, and if don't eat I'm going to starve, and then I might die and then you'll have to live with the fact that because you didn't want to wake up your girlfriend died out of starvation."

"What can I do to make up for it?" he said with a chuckle.

"Kissy?" She said innocently and batted her eyelashes.

"Okay, if you want," he said with a dramatic sigh. The whole school knew they loved each other very much they were almost attached at the hip. One time in 3rd year a kid was making fun of Lyra for being the daughter of Sirius Black the supposed murder, Harry punched the kid in the face and gave him a nasty black eye.

Someone cleared their throat, "Miss Lupin-Black and Mister Potter you should be in class and the middle of the hall is not the place for snogging," someone interrupted them with a Scottish accent.   

"Minnie!!" That's the name that Lyra would call Professor McGonagall. The name would always bring a small smile to the professor's face, that was the name that The Marauders would call her. "Well if you dated someone with this handsome, it would be almost impossible not to want to snog them anytime you got."

"Well-" she was cut off by a redhead running down the hall.

"Where have you two been? I've looked everywhere, I assumed Harry slept in." Ron, one of their best friends said. He was a fairly tall boy -just like the rest of his family- with red hair and freckles, he was not the brightest person but he was always there for you. After the death of one of Lyra's dads, Ron had spent many nights comforting her as she would cry. Their friendship was just friends, simply platonic, siblings, in everything but blood. Harry looked slightly offended.

Lyra scoffed, "Love, it's always you." Harry turned bright red.

"You should all be going to class, Weasley I suggest you go with them," McGonagall said finally getting a word in.

"But, I have a free period," Ron whined.

"So do I Professor," Harry said with the same tone as Ron.

"Just go." With that, she left.

"Well so much for breakfast, but we really need to get to class," Lyra ushered them to Potions. Ron loved food just as much as Lyra, he handed her a muffin "Oh thank you. You know me so well!" She said through a mouth full.

When they got there, the class had already started. Lyra saw Hermione her girl best friend. Hermione was a petite girl with curly brown hair, -it could almost be compared to a bird's nest- she was very pretty but most was known for her knowledge people would call her 'The brightest witch of her age' or 'Insufferbul Know-it-all'. In Lyra's opinion, the people that called her a know-it-all were just jealous. She quickly ran over to her before Professors Slughorn saw her. "What took you so long?" Hermione said in her mother voice, "Uh, never mind just pay attention."

That's what Lyra loved about Hermione she was always making sure everything went smoothly and making sure they were all safe and not doing something foolish. Which was problematic being a prankster and friends with Harry Potter. Lyra looked over to see Harry and Ron fighting over a book, she rolled her eyes.

In that class, she had to make The draught of living and dead potion for a little vile of Liquid Luck which surprisingly Harry won, seeing as Lyra was top of the class and everyone knew it. 

They walked down to the great hall for dinner after a long day of classes. Ron and Hermione were fighting like they normally did but everyone -even blind people- could see that they liked each other. The golden quartet (as they were known), made their way down to the Gryffindor table "Well at least I have all my books for the class you completely disturbed the class this morning!" They were arguing about the most random stuff if you asked Lyra's she would say that they should get together and get over it. 

"Yeah well, I don't have random stuff in my bag like...what's this?" Ron said pulling out a gold neckless with a mini hourglass inside that could only be a time-turner. He was swinging it around like it was a toy.

"Ronald! Give that back you could break it," but it was too late, it slipped out of his grasp.

"No!" Lyra scream she knew what it was and how rare they were. She went to go catch well still holding hands with Harry. The time-turner smashed all over the floor. Lyra went to go pick it up some of the pieces. Everything started spinning "Harry, what going on!" She still had a hold on Harry.

"I don't know," He yelled back. There was a bright light then everything stopped spinning, they soon realized that they were falling. Then Lyra landed on Harry with a grunt. "Fawns, as much as I like you on me, would you mind getting off please?"

"Oh, yeah sorry Prongs."  That was his nickname was since Harry's animagus was a stag, her's was a Fawns 'cause she turned into a doe. It was Lyra's parents' idea's for the nicknames.

They got up and looked around, they were standing at the entrance of the great hall but it looked slightly different the pictures on the wall looked newer and there were no scorch marks from last years prank from the Weasley twins, they shrugged it off maybe Flitch was able to get they off and they didn't notice. "Well, what are we waiting for," Harry pulled Lyra into the hall. The hall was filled with people, "How late are we, classes just ended. Ron and Hermione must be at the table already."

Lyra was a little skeptical. She knew better time turners were very powerful items, who knew what had happened one minute they were spinning then the next they were lying on the floor. They walked down the aisle. "How come I don't recognize most of these people?" Lyra said looking around, the more she looked the more uncommon faces.

"Padfoot, give the book back." Lyra turned around to see something that she never thought she would see, right in front of her. The Marauders.

"Well shit."

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