The Truth

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Nobody talked, nobody moved. "What..." all 3 of the marauders said but it was barely audible. "...I'm a Dad."

"That can't be true, nobody can time travel that far back," Remus said coming back to his senses.

"But it is," Lyra smiled "our friend, by accident, broke a time-turner and it malfunctioned and we ended up here."

"Prove it." James said looking at Harry "Why do you have a glamour charm on your arm if you aren't Death Eaters"

"W-well we got a tattoo and Dad would be very pissed if he saw..." Lyra said nodding to Remus.

"Let's see it," Sirius said, still looking skeptical.

"Well you kinda got to untie us first," she stated. James untied Harry well Sirius untied Lyra. Lily was still shocked by the news, she was sitting on the couch that was in front of the fire. Sirius and Remus went to sit on one, James joined Lily and Lyra and Harry sat on the 3rd couch. "Thank you."

"Okay, let's see your wrist."

"Okay don't laugh, Future Padfoot," Harry said looking at Sirius, all their eyes widen, "was very insistent that we got them, and he wouldn't budge so we went to a tattoo salon and got them done." Harry laughed at the memory.

Lyra and Harry showed their forearm "Revelio" The glamour charm started to wear off and words appeared

'Marauder's heir ~ Mischief managed'

There was a tense moment, they the 3 marauders "That does seem like Sirius would do" said Lily who was trying very hard not to laugh. "I think it safe to say they're your kids."

Then everyone stopped laughing, it dawned on them. Their kids, from the future. Sirius had just asked out Remus that day, and here right in front of them was their kid. Sirius turned to Remus and grabbed his hand and smiled softly. Lyra who saw the exchange felt tears prick her eyes but held them back and smiled.

But James was still confused, who was Harry's mother? He loved Lily, he could never imagine being with any other witch. "Harry so you're my...son. Shit, that's weird. Um, w-who is your mother?"

Lyra chuckled softly. Harry smiled broadly very much like his dad "My mum is Lily Evans" he said looking at Lily.

"No bloody way. I get Evans, I get Evans!" He said, he looked so happy, he ended with the love of his life and had a family.

"I have a baby," Lily said softly. She smiled, tears of happiness, she went up and hugged Harry. Harry was first shocked, the first actual hug by his mother. He melted right into it. They broke apart from the hug.

"Of course he's your son, he has your eyes, Lily," James said.

"And your unruly raven hair."

"Lyra," Remus said, "Well so you're Sirius and mine's kid but um who's your mother?"

"Well," she got asked this question a lot "Um I don't have one per se." They all looked really confused "I only have you and Papa, Papa carried me. Being part of the sacred 28 males also have the ability to have a child. They didn't know though so Papa, Sirius had a baby just as Lily did. At the same time as well, Lily went into labour then Papa also did because he was so nervous for Lily."

"So my Birthday is July 31st and her's is August 1st,"

"He often likes to bring up the fact that he is older than me. By ONE day." She glared playfully. 

Then something clicked for Sirius, "Prongsie Mate? Your son and my daughter are dating...that means that one day we will be related!" They started to jump around like 5-year-olds "Wait you're dating my daughter and you have both..." he didn't have to finish the sentence, they all knew what he was talking about.

"Oh shush, of course." Lyra and Harry blushed, 

"You said something about the full moon does that mean you're a werewolf?" Remus asked quietly, he didn't want his daughter to have the same fate as him.

She shook her head "No, but I do get extremely tired like you just not as bad-"

"-and she get's really moody, and very scary." Harry shivered at the memory. One time he forgot that a full moon was coming and she hexed him then poured pumpkin juice on his head in the middle of the great hall for everyone to see, just because he stole a piece of her bacon.


"Earlier today we might or might not have heard a conversation that you guys had in an empty classroom," Remus said "Is it true?"

They knew what he was talking about. "Yes in the future it's not so good," Harry grabbed her hand "We are still in the war, it stopped for about 13 years, after Voldemort," they flinched "'died' the first time but in our 4th year during the tri-wizard tournament that our school hosted he came back,"

"During the first war," Harry took a deep breath "My parents died"

Lily cried into James who looked shocked, "w-what, we weren't there to raise you?" his voice broke at the end.

"No, but mum you saved me! Your magic made me survive the killing curse. Your love."

"But you went to live with Sirius and Remus right? I no dought made Sirius and Remus you godparents or even Pete." The two of them growled at the name.

"No," Lyra said, "Harry went and lived with those horrid muggles, the Dursleys."

"Dursleys?" Lily said, then it hit her like a rock "No, please don't tell me he lived with them, How? Why? They hate magic, they hate me!"


"Why didn't he live with Sirius and Remus, they would be his godparents!" James yelled, he knew about Lily's sister and he loathed her with a passion.

"The night that Lily and James died, you were under Fidelius charm but your secret keeper was actually a spy for Voldemort. When Papa came to see you that night they saw the b-body's he went to go kill the secret keeper. But at that time everyone who knew thought it was Sirius." They all gasped,

"No, No I would never!" Sirius muttered,

"I'll continue, love," Harry said seeing the difficulty of telling the story. "When the Aurors came looking for Sirius they saw 12 dead muggle bodies and a finger of Peter Pettigrew who everyone now thought that he was dead, they didn't think twice they took Sirius straight to Azkaban without a trial. But the whole time they had the wrong person,"

"Peter was the keeper, wasn't he," Remus said quietly

"What?!" James and Sirius yelled

"Yes, yes he was." Lyra whispered, "he cut off his finger and turned into a rat and lived with the Weasleys till Harry and I were in our 3rd year as their family pet."

"How could he, he's our brother, family!" Sirius yelled

"Why didn't Harry go and live with Remus?" Lily asked tear tracks running down her face.

"Well, you know about Remus and his furry little problem. Well from what I've been told, I was so close to being put into a different family. Minnie and Dumbledore had to stand up for his case. He could barely have one child let alone 2."

"In our 3rd year Sirius broke out of Azkaban, we still didn't know about the whole change of keeper. So we assumed he still worked for Voldemort. Remus also became D.A.D.A teacher that year! We end up finding the truth about Sirius and it all worked out. Skip to the 4th year with Voldemort's return, the six-year the ministry infiltrated Hogwarts. That year Sirius also d-died."

Remus cried as Sirius placed a kiss on the top of his head and whispered comforting words.

The room was silent for a bit, "Well let's talk about the Happy stuff, yeah?" Sirius said lifting the mood.

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