The Suspicion

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The 3 boys were sitting in the room of requirement pondering what they heard, Peter was not with them, he was probably in the kitchen or trying to impress some Hufflepuff girl that he liked. 

"Wow," Remus said to break the silence, they'd been sitting there for 10 minutes in silence. 

"Yeah, wow." 

"She seemed in real pain..." 

"I need to tell you both something," Sirius said looking up from his hands "I saw something on Lyra's and Harry's left forearm," 

"A shine. I know I saw it too. It looked like someone had put on a glamour charm." James finished. 


"Do you think they could be you know... Death Eaters?" Remus said catching on to their thoughts, 

"I don't know but she wanted to kill someone and it sounds like her dad is in Azkaban. Only people that have done really bad stuff go there." 

"Why would Dumbledore let in Death Eaters in Hogwarts?" Remus pointed out, 

"Lyra and Harry -if that's really their names- were able to hide it from us for so long, we would never have thought that they were Death Eaters if we did not hear their conversation," James said. 

"We will ask them," 

"Yes, Remmy and that will go over so well," Sirius said sarcastically "Hey Lyra, Harry are you Death Eaters. Yes you know I think that will go over very well!!" 

"Not like that! We'll take their wands, bring them to the RoR and interrogate them," 

Both Sirius and James looked hesitant, "Let's do this." 


Harry and Lyra were both sitting in Dumbledore's office. They had been sitting in the empty classroom when a note saying that the headmaster wanted to talk to them. 

Dumbledore took a seat in front of them, "The teachers have been working on a way to get you back to your time. They got a time-turner and modified it should send you to your correct time." 

Harry's breath hitched, he knew that he would go back home sometime but he would miss his parent and Sirius. He liked being in the marauder's time, he was Harry Potts, not The chosen one. He also didn't have a snaked face psycho murder trying to kill him in this time. 

"Do you think we could say go bye to our parents, Sir?" He asked, 

"Yes, stay the night and we will send you tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Sir." 

Harry and Lyra walked out of Dumbledore's office. She didn't say a word since they heard about going back home. Harry could tell something was on her mind. "What is it, love?"  

"I don't know, I'm happy to go home, to Hermione, The Weasleys...but I'm going to miss everyone here. I'm going to miss your mum Harry. Do you know how crazy that sounds she is so nice and fun to hang out with and papa, we have to say goodbye AGAIN! How many people do we have to lose to finally be happy and done with this war? I'm so tired Harry, with everything. You're the only thing I have left, I still have dad but he never talks just sits there and looks at photos books."  

"But this time you can say it on your terms. When the war is done, cause we will finish it together, we will go explore the world and have a family of our own someday, if that's what you'd like. We are in this together, always and forever!" 

"Yout right! You're the best," she kissed him "I'm ready to do this!" 

They continued walking, they turned the corner and ran into some people. "Oh hello, Boys!"   Lyra said looking happier than she did before "What are you doing, it's getting late." 

"Who are you?" Sirius demanded 

Harry looked at Lyra with furrowed brows "Sirius...?" he said confused "Are you okay?" 

"Tell us who you really are!" 

"Remus, are you okay? You don't look that good, I can take you to the nurse." Lyra offered. Of course he did not look that good, the full moon was in a couple of days, Lyra's mood swings were really bad and she also did not look so good but she was not as bad as an actual werewolf. 

"Drop the act, who are you really!" 

"We have no idea what you're talking about." said Harry "We will leave you be," 

Harry pulled Lyra down the hall, they barely made 5 steps when they heard a 'sorry about this'. Lyra went completely rigged and fell over. Harry bent down to catch her before she hit the ground. Harry looked up at the other boys, Sirius had his wand raised, "What the Hell?!" Harry went to reach his wand but he too was knocked out cold. 


Lyra woke up with a massive headache, "Ow, what the hell. My head hurts like a bitch. Owwww" She slowly opened her eyes, the light was too bright, she closed her eyes right away. She went to rub her eyes but she couldn't move her hands "What? Harry if this is some kinky shit, I love you but this is not the time, you know how I get around this's almost a full moon" she opened her eyes but she did not see Harry, instead she saw 3 marauders and redhead looking very shocked. Lyra looked around, Harry was looking at her with a 'shut up our parents are in the room' kinda look. "Oh, well this is rather awkward." she looked at the other four, "Hello do you mind you know...untying us?" 

"W-what would the full moon have to do with anything?" Remus said with wide eyes 

"Oh, come on Remus you know. Furry little problem," she smirked at them, it was freakily uncanny to Sirius's. 

"What?!" The 3 marauders burst out, 

"You know when-" 

"We know what it means. But how do you know?" Sirius raised his voice "Did you tell anybody else? Maybe your Death Eater friends?" 

"What?" she was confused on why they would say that.

"We know you both" James said looking at Harry "are Death Eaters." 

"I-we trusted you..." Lily said 

The look on Harry's face was heartbreaking, his own mother just admitted that she didn't trust them "It's not what you think, we are far from death eaters." 

"Then who are you really if you aren't death eaters," questioned Remus, 

The two looked at each other, I guess it's time to fess up  Lyra thought "We aren't Death Eaters, but we also aren't who we say were are. We are from the future, the year 1996." 

"Rubbish," Sirius said pointing his wand up at them. "Prove it."

"Okay, We'll start with our names my name is Harry James Potter." 

"And my names is Lyra Hope Lupin-Black" 

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