The Meet

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Lyra and Harry arrived at the Gryffindor portrait. "What do you think the password is?"

"I don't know," Harry said, "Maybe we could just try random ones?"

"Or we could just wait for someone to come." Lyra suggested, "Dinner should be ending about now."

Just as Lyra finished they could hear people coming up the stairs. Right in the front of the crowd were the Marauders. It was a shock to Lyra and by the looks so was it to Harry. They looked happy, playful. Not how they looked back in their time, haunted, dead. The marauder's spotted them.

"Well hello, I don't think I've seen you around." A man with long black hair pulled into a bun with the same grey eyes as Lyra. Sirius Black.

"Yes, we are new," Said Lyra pointing at Harry "and we don't know the password."

A girl with beautiful long red hair and green eyes that Lyra recognize right away came pushing through up to them. "You must Lyra and Harry. I'm Lily Evans one of Gryffindor's Prefect. Pigs tail." The fat lady portrait opened "That's the password it changes I'll notify you when it does."

They walked into the common room, it was still the same as it was in 1996. Red covered everywhere, the only thing that might be different was the furniture seemed newer.
"The boy's dorm is to the left and girls to the right." Lily turned to face them "Dumbledore said that you are in 6th year, that's the year I'm-" Lily was cut off by a tall raven-haired boy with glasses, that could only be...

"Our year Lily-flower," The boy turned to them "hello I'm James Potter, Quidditch Captain extraordinaire."

"H-harry Porter and this is Lyra White. Nice to meant you" Harry said with the brightest smile on his face

"So do you like quidditch?" James and Harry walked over to the couches, Lyra and Lily followed.

"So tell me about Hogwarts. I've read Hogwarts; a history  but what is it actually like?" of course she already knew.

"Well it's amazing, it's like the castle is actually alive sometimes. I'm a muggle-born so when I found out about magic I was over the moon I couldn't believe it was real."

"I know how you feel, I'm a half-blood but my dad raised me in the muggle world away from magic when I was a kid and Harry grew up with muggles but he is a half-blood."

"I can show you the dorm, there are 3 other girls in our dorm. Mary McDonald, Alice Fortescue, and Marlene McKinnon. You'll like them" Lily dragged up to the girl's dorm room not before Lyra said good night to Harry.


"Goodnight, Love you Prongsie." Lyra kissed Harry's cheek. Every one of the Marauders and Lily stilled. Harry and Lyra both looked at each other wide-eyed. 

"What?!" James spluttered out, obviously looking shocked. 

"Well, um you see." Lyra looked like she was having a hard time coming up with an excuse, so Harry swooped in.

"My Patronus is a Stag, so we thought of funny nicknames for each other. Hers is a doe, her nickname is Fwans." 

"Makes sense," Remus said uncertainly

After a moment of silence, the girls went up to their dorm. Now only Harry and the Marauders were left in the common room and a couple of people getting homework done. The Marauder's seemed to have dropped the topic. Much to Harry's relief, he would not want James of all people to think his girlfriend loved him. 

"So tell us, why come now, to Hogwarts," Sirius said. Harry was sitting with the Marauders, even if they didn't know who he was he was still happy.

Harry and Lyra had discussed their back story as they walked back from Dumbledore's office "We originally from England but we went to school in France, Beauxbatons. We just moved back."

"We? You aren't related..." said James

Harry chuckled "No. But Lyra dragged me along with her. My parents died when I was young and her family is the closest I've got so some."

"So for us to be friends, what is your opinion on quidditch?"

Harry brightened up visibly "I love it, back at beauxbatons I was a seeker. What about you!"

Harry spent the night talking with the Marauders. They finally went up to their dorm room for the night. Harry still managed to get the same bed as he had before. There was a trunk at the end of the bed with some clothes, hygiene stuff and school supplies. He assumed Dumbledore proved that for them. 

Just as Harry was getting under his sheets in his four-poster bed he saw a parchment paper. The Marauders map. He knew how it worked they would find out their real names, which would not be ideal at this time Harry thought. He would have to talk to Lyra in the morning.  

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